Almost immediately after the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein named special prosecutor Robert Mueller, President Trump and his White House started to panic. Mueller was named to take over the ongoing investigation on the Trump campaign's possible collusion with Russian officials who meddled in the 2016 presidential election.

A clear indication that they were panicking was through the series of reports that were coming out of the administration where aides were apparently scrambling to defend themselves from being implicated in the investigation.

Mueller contacts hostile White House

The situation only worsened for the White House when it was reported that the investigation had expanded into a criminal probe. While it's also been reported that the White House was looking at the possibility of trying to stop the investigation, in recent weeks was clear that Trump and his legal counsel were intentionally looking into their options, with the White House ramping up their smear campaign against the special prosecutor.

It was already reported that White House counsel had ordered staff to not destroy any documents, messages or anything else --- electronic and on paper -- in the event that they would be needed for the investigation.

But on July 21, Mueller's team sent their own request to the White House asking that they also save all information regarding the June 9, meeting from 2016 which involved Donald Trump Jr.

Trump Jr. meeting of interest to special prosecutor

The New York Times reported three weeks ago that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Kremlin lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya at Trump Tower over adoption programs. Within the days that followed, however, it was learned from reports that other members of the Trump campaign leadership were at the same meeting and the number of people present at that meeting grew from five up to eight.

More reporting on the meeting would also reveal that the campaign was promised incriminating information to smear their rival Hillary Clinton by Russian officials.

After a thorough examination of those details, it seemed quite clear that the Trump campaign had in fact colluded with Russian officials as reports that the Democratic National Committee's servers had been hacked came the following week.

President's defiance against Mueller

In the letter, Mueller also stated that all documents related to that meeting were related to the investigation of Russia meddling in the election. In fact, the letter had to point out at the beginning that the Special Prosecutor's investigation was related to the Presidential election. In their plans to sideswipe Mueller's investigation, President Trump's personal counsel had said that they're going to try and keep the former FBI director focused on the fact that it's over Russian meddling.

But it's already been said that the special prosecutor had broadened their probe to include President Trump's efforts to obstruct justice. When the President learned that Mueller would be looking into his financial transactions, Trump was reportedly livid and reshuffled his legal team to target Mueller. Trump's current and very public fight with his attorney general Jeff Sessions has been viewed as an effort for the President to find a way to fire Robert Mueller.

This is because Sessions had recused himself from the Russia investigation which would mean that Trump would not be able to fire Mueller if he wanted to. Trump has made this known over the past several months and recently, it's been reported that the White House was looking for a replacement for attorney general.

Specifically, someone who hadn't recused themselves and could therefore follow the President's orders to fire Mueller. As it stands Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) had put a bill forward that would put protections around Mueller to prevent him from being fired.