That man above is named Robert Mueller. He has just been appointed Special Prosecutor by Rod J. Rosenstein, who happens to be the only person who could have executed the call. I did not say made the call because there are details to be dug out. But the die has been cast. In this nation in the last decades, a Special Prosecutor is as close as we have gotten to a thorough investigation of wrongdoing by a president. Here is what we know.


Rosenstein is the Acting Attorney General and this is what he said to explain his actions: “I determined that it is in the public interest for me to exercise my authorities and appoint a special counsel to assume responsibility for this matter,” he added, “My decision is not a finding that crimes have been committed or that any prosecution is warranted.

I have made no such determination.” (NYT).


Rosenstein was urged to make an appointment when the Russia story was reaching its present boiling point. Today it was not at all clear that he would act. It was even surmised that Trump might fire him out of fear that he would act. Now that he has made a decisive move, a huge sigh of relief is heard from Democrats who were prepared to go to the mat and force the issue one way or another. Republicans remain almost universally favorable toward the President, but this development provides them with a chance to walk back their commitment. depending on what the investigation reveals.

Trump's stake

For trump, the probability is that his presidency hangs on what is revealed or not revealed in the coming investigation and the deposing of witnesses that can now proceed without delays and blocks -- which have been typical on Capitol Hill.

Should Trump prove to have had no or minimal culpability in the Russia matter, he could get off and remain. But, in the event that his known actions have violated the law he is most vulnerable. What then?

There could be a long battle

If Trump is liable to be thrown out of office he may decide to fight, and that could create an unprecedented battle royale.

He is the Commander-in-Chief as he well knows, but he is also under millions of watchful eyes, and the surveillance of Donald Trump just became a likely reality.

A deal?

If Trump has in fact been caught and has no options, he will make a deal.

What that deal will be is unknown but it might look like this. He walks, immune to prosecution. He keeps his businesses. He is given the same protection Nixon got when he left -- Secret Service and other perks. This scenario would spell the end of Trump's time in the White House either way.