There's every reason to believe that Attorney General Jeff Sessions and President Trump share the same vision for what kind of America they want to rule over. With the reported friction that has developed between Trump and Sessions, the Attorney General has said that he shared the President's agenda. Sessions has the ability to make Trump become the "law and order" president by helping him enforce his authoritarian rule nationwide, much of which he has already started.
Trump enraged by accountability
But since Jeff Sessions was forced to recuse himself from the Russia investigation being conducted by the FBI, his relationship with the White House has reportedly soured.
It was reported that during an interview with the New York Times on Wednesday July 19, President Trump said that if he had known ahead of time that Sessions would recuse himself, he would never have hired him. This position makes it crystal clear that Donald Trump believes that no law can touch him, and therefore, no one who works for him should follow it.
Sessions' relation to Russia investigation
The pressure on Sessions to recuse himself was thoroughly applied by Democrats early in the year after it was learned that he had lied to Congress. The lie took place during his nomination when he said that he had not met with Russian officials. When it was learned that he actually had while he was a surrogate of the Trump campaign, he answered the calls for his recusal to the press during a public statement.
President Trump had expressed anger and frustration, not only at Sessions but at his Justice Department when Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein named a special prosecutor.
Now that the special prosecutor Robert Mueller's investigation has extended into a criminal probe against Trump, many in Washington have drawn various conclusions as to why he would have attacked Sessions.
The new White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci did agree with conservative talk host Hugh Hewitt on Tuesday that President Trump did want Sessions gone. His response was to the fact that President Trump had expressed his dissatisfaction with the attorney general publicly.
Getting to Mueller through Sessions
It's been reported that the Attorney General has kept his distance from the White House and the FBI as part of his promise to recuse himself.
It would appear that Sessions' attempts to test the limits of his recusal put him in a bit of hot water. Certainly with the growing distance between the two and endless scandals generated from the White House, being fired would be a sign of relief for Sessions. But some Republicans have reportedly been stunned that the administration would be so bold.
In fact, some have suggested that the President was laying the groundwork for trying to get rid of Robert Mueller, which he has threatened to do before. But there is also the matter of loyalty that the President demands from those under him. And it would seem that Jeff Sessions has been one of the few members of his cabinet who has operated somewhat independently from Trump's White House, a Justice Department over which President Trump has no control.
When President Trump first threatened to fire Robert Mueller, Rep Adam Schiff tweeted that if that were to happen that Congress would simply reinstate him. In that tweet, Schiff also told the President to not waste their time. On Friday, Congress came together to reinforce protections around Robert Mueller.