Jeremiah and Carmela Raber have had a tumultuous weekend. Things started going south as the couple prepared for a road trip. The “Return To Amish” pair had planned to leave immediately after they paid a bill, but Carmela had other plans. When Jeremiah left the car to make a payment, she took off. Along with the car, she has his clothing and an expensive camera. Jeremiah has called her out for also leaving with the $15,000 the couple received for selling some land they owned.

What is Jeremiah saying?

The news of this broke when Jeremiah Raber spoke out on social media. This is not the first fight the couple has had that went public. In fact, Jeremiah and Carmela have been off and on for most of 2017. She actually left him at one point after alleging domestic abuse, however, she went back to him shortly after calling him out publicly. Jeremiah is alleging that his wife is a prescription pill addict and a thief. He revealed that she stole his prescription medication and that the police will be notified of her behavior. Raber has also released photos of what he says Carmela did to their home when she was upset with him.

Carmela Raber has spoken out finally. According to Starcasm, she is alleging domestic abuse again. She says that Jeremiah Raber has been physical with her and that her children are afraid of him. Carmela is stating that she will not return to him or their home. She is finally free and now, she is going to tell her side of the story. Of course, Jeremiah is denying the accusations. Remember, Carmela has made these claims before and made her way back to her husband. Since then, the two have fought and reconciled at least once more, but likely many other undocumented times.

What's next for the couple?

This couple needs serious help. Fans of “Return to Amish” have noted several times that Jeremiah Raber has a temper.

Alcohol adds fuel to the fire and that has become a problem as well. Carmela Raber has her moments as well. The two were married quickly and since then, things have been up and down for them. Both have children with separate people and her claims that her kids are scared of Jeremiah are concerning. He promised to seek counseling when they split over domestic abuse, but it is unknown whether or not he actually went and sought help.

The next few days will be telling as both parties have taken to Facebook to air their grievances. Jeremiah Raber claims Carmela is texting him and she is alleging that he is threatening her, demanding she doesn't speak out. Fans believe that the couple will reconcile, but that isn't looking promising at the moment.