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Android Inc. was started in 2003 with the goal of making a smarter operating system for digital cameras but that goal soon turned to making an operating system with a larger market, mobile devices. Founder Andy Rubin, along with Rich Miner, Nick Sears, and Chris White had their ups and downs. At one point they faced possible eviction because of lack of investors, but with the help of a friend, Steve Perlman, eviction was averted and funds were given to continue work on their project. By 2005, Google showed interest and bought Android, Inc. and with the help of Reuben, Miner and White the project continued developing using the Linux kernel.
In 2007 Google filed several patent applications and unveiled the Android project to the world. Its first appearance in the commercial market took place in 2008 with the introduction of the Android HTC Dream smartphone. Since then, updates were introduced to fix bugs and improve the system. In 2012, the Intel processor was incorporated in Android's line of phones and tablets. With each new released version different optional hardware components were added to suit different device manufacturers that had partnered up with Google. Today, the Android open source operating system is the most widely used in the world.
According to Statista, Android holds 73.54 percent of the mobile OS market share. Amassing 53.3 percent share of the estimated 225 million U. S. users, and 82 percent share of the over 2 billion users world wide. It's activation rate is three times higher than other systems. Google Android, in recent years has expanded far beyond smartphones and tablets, due to it's open source nature.
Today there is Android Wear, Android TV, Android Pay, Android Auto and Virtual Reality platform. Google has even integrated Android into an assortment of low tech devices, as alarm clocks, refrigerators, coffee machines, and bicycles. The Android OS has become so popular since 2014, many end users have downloaded one of the several available version on their desktop computer in order to have a seamless connection with their mobile devices. It would seem there is no limit to Google Android as it continues to move into the future.
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