Fortnite” players are reasonably aware, by now, about Epic Games’ so-called nerf that was implemented on BRUTEs and the community is still not happy about it. Both well-known content creators and casual players agree that the mech is destroying the game due to it being way overpowered. That said, one of the game’s popular competitive caster and analyst recently took to social media to throw in what others call some “major facts” about the battle royale shooter’s current situation.

A caster’s thoughts

“Fortnite” competitive caster Ballatw (@Ballatw) posted several tweets, over on Twitter, to address the game’s BRUTE debacle. He’s been known to analyze things a bit deeper in terms of what’s the current lowdown with Epic’s massive BR shooter and according to him, all of it is nothing but a spectacle that needs to stop.

According to him, he can’t help but wonder “how much someone wants ONE important game to have a crazy ridiculous ending because of Brutes – to have the spectacle of the sword.” He further explained that it is the same reason they recently added the point of interest – Tilted Town was not addressed, at all.

He went on to state that someone at Epic wants an endgame, in competitive “Fortnite,” to go through the said POI. He even touched on the topic of “Fortnite BR’s” slipstream that, according to him, was not addressed as well and that someone wanted an endgame to be affected by it.

For his final thoughts, he tweeted that Epic should stop treating their game as a spectacle and that “Fortnite BR” would still be promoted and watched without it being “incredibly frustrating to deal with in a situation where people put so much time into to be good.” Gaming organizations like FaZe, TSM, Team Liquid, NRG, and Cloud 9 have already expressed their thoughts towards the BRUTE, wanting it to be removed from the game.

Laser (pointer?) for BRUTEs

Though it's a recent nerf, in terms of spawn rates, it looks like Epic will still have plans to give more stuff to the BRUTE if one of the season’s loading screens is anything to go by. Dataminer Lucas7yoshi (@Lucas7yoshi) recently tweeted out a screenshot, of the loading screen in question, showing what could be a laser mounted on the side of the mech’s torso. He even posted a 3D render of it that might have been dug up within the game files.

Well-known streamer SypherPK even mentioned, on his recent livestream, that the attachment will work as a pointer to where the mech will be firing. He then went on to compare the mech to Mike Tyson in his prime, saying that his opponent getting all these punches and not be able to do a thing about it.