Among the most interesting announcements that Bungie made for “Destiny 2” is its upcoming arrival on PlayStation 4 Pro. This is Sony’s next-generation console and is believed to change the face of the gaming platform in the video game industry. Still, not everyone from the community is buying it.

According to Eurogamer, there was a controversy following the studio’s decision to support “Destiny 2” with 4K resolution.

Many wondered why the developers chose it over the 60 frames per second gameplay. Obviously, this was an ambition that the company wants to reach.

The sequel being played on 4K

With PlayStation 4 Pro, the sequel will run four times the normal resolution with only a 2.3x computer. This is not to mention the meager boost that needs to be implemented in order to smoothen the memory bandwidth. Interestingly, the results of this decision are quite evident in the beta phase now. First and foremost, Bungie was indeed successful in producing a 2160p output, though checkboard rendering and/or offshoot happened way before it can be reached.

At the very first glance, it cannot be denied that the game is running in 4K resolution and there is no sign of an upscale blur whatsoever.

However, in the long run, “Destiny 2” is starting to experience pixelization artifacts on particles. These are even evident in areas where fast motion happens, something that can be best seen on the gun sights. Whenever the game runs through these instances, it tends to move towards lower resolution just to compensate the fast pace motions. Interestingly, this can be a technique that Bungie wants to implement in order to assure smoother gameplay. After all, they do not want players to experience even a single bottlenecked area. But unfortunately, it also means that the game is not really running a native 4K resolution (a workaround rather).

How it differs on PlayStation 4

As obvious as it is, “Destiny 2” is running a standard 1080p on its base version on PlayStation 4. This is why when the game ports in PlayStation 4 Pro (with 2160p output), there is a noticeable change. But as mentioned above, Bungie needs to put limitations and/or restrictions just to achieve the promised 4K resolution. For instance, the game uses lower resolution buffer when it comes to volumetrics, alpha, and depth of field. At the end of the day, it is all about players having a solid experience. So perhaps this is what the studio wants to emphasize.

The interesting part here, though, is that “Destiny 2” is still in beta. Therefore, whatever players experience in the said phase is nothing close to being official. There is a possibility that the video game company will change or improve key areas of the game. Case in point, they might give 4K resolution a better look once the beta phase ends.