"90 Day Fiancé" Brittany Banks is receiving a lot of slamming on her Instagram after Sunday's episode of "90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way" in which she fought with her lover, Yazan. According to Et Online, the duo where arguing because Yazan blamed Brittany for crashing his car. After the argument, Brittany didn't want to meet Yazan again. She said that she would go to Jordan since her friend, Angela, and she had already paid for airfare.
When Brittany got to Jordan, she looked around but didn't see Yazan. She assumed he didn't come to pick her up, so she got into a cab. Meanwhile, Yazan went to the airport but didn't see her until she got into the cab. He tried calling her, but she didn't pick. When Brittany's friend arrived in Jordan, she was surprised to find out that the couple had broken up. She told Brittany to be more sensitive towards what Yazan was going through. Yazan had been thrown out from his family's house, fired by his father,, and threatened by his father to be murdered because he disapproved of his relationship with Brittany.
Later, Brittany and her friend went out for a drink, and Brittany got drunk. She admitted that she missed Yazan and then called him to pick her up, but her friend feared how Yazan would react when he saw Brittany drunk. She said she didn't want to be caught in any crossfire.
Brittany said that drinking was widely accepted in Jordan and was also legal, but it wasn't allowed in Yazan's family. She explained that it was because Yazan's family were conservatives. She also said that sometimes Yazan was okay with her drinking, and sometimes he wasn't. In the previous episode, Yazan got pissed after seeing a bottle of Tequila with her in the airport, so it's most likely he wouldn't like to see her drunk, but on Sunday, Brittany called him to the location regardless.
Brittany is being compared to her friend
Brittany posted a video of herself on her Instagram. One of her fans compared her to her friend, Angela, saying that Angela was classier than her and beautiful on the inside. She asked Brittany to hang out with Angela more so that she can learn from her.
Another fan asked Brittany not to play with Yazan's feelings. She said that if she couldn't adjust to his culture, she should walk away. She said that Brittany was beautiful and could achieve anything she put her mind to, and Yazan deserved to be happy.
Brittany Banks was asked to remove her weave
In the video, Brittany wore a long, wavy, black weave. However, one of her followers dropped a negative comment, daring her to show her "real hair." The woman who dropped the comment received a lot of backlashes as Brittany's fans defended her.
One fan replied to the comment, saying, "You white women sure have a nerve these days."
Another fan said, "okay, Karen boomer. With your hair, I wouldn't be talking; I'd be taking notes."
One of Brittany's followers said, "As a black woman, I denounce her statement."