Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith are reportedly back on bad terms according to The Blast. Despite Jenelle Evans' latest YouTube Q&A session Nathan claims Jenelle has once again 'twisted' the facts making her look like the victim and Nathan has his own side of things he wants to clear up.

It appears that, all is not as it seems once again, in the life of Jenelle Evans. Nathan Griffith claims that pretty much all of what Jenelle said about their relationship is false.

Teen Mom OG fans are well aware that Nathan and Jenelle have always had a rocky relationship and very rarely do they ever see eye-to-eye especially when it comes to raising their son Kaiser.

Teen Mom OG Jenelle Evans claims ex Nathan Griffith wanted a romantic relationship with her again

Jenelle recently spoke out on YouTube telling her followers that for a while she and Nathan were getting along good and things were going smoothly. But suddenly things took an unpleasant turn between them. Jenelle claims that Nathan wanted more from her than just a co-parenting relationship, but she just does not "like" Nathan in that way any longer.

Griffith agrees with Jenelle up to a point, he claims they were getting along fine, then suddenly Jenelle went back to her old ways again and now they are not. He also claims that Jenelle is pretty much lying about him having romantic feelings for her because that is just not true. He only wants to get along in the best way possible for Kaiser's sake only.

Nathan Griffith reveals he is not interested in Jenelle Evans

It was also stated that he and Jenelle were cool up until coincidentally enough until Jenelle dropped her restraining order against David Eason. Griffith added when asked if he knew what was really going on between David Eason and Jenelle Evans that he didn't know and that there was no way he was "getting into that drama."

Nathan also cleared up the meaning behind a worrisome Instagram story he shared the day after Jenelle's YouTube video posted.

Fans became very concerned when Nathan posted that Kaiser woke up and told him "to protect him." Fans immediately began thinking the worst and began questioning Nathan. The fan concerns were based on a long history of issues between Nathan, Jenelle, and David. Back in 2018 bruises were noticed on Kaiser's bottom during a visit with Nathan.

Nathan plans to steer clear of Jenelle's drama

He, of course, questioned his young son as to how he got them and Kaiser told him that David had hit him with a stick. The incident set off a visit from Child Protective Services and a child abuse allegation investigation for Jenelle and David. Both Jenelle Evans and David Eason were cleared of the accusations at the time.

However, considering David Easons' violent history and all the drama that has gone down between him and Jenelle over the past couple of years you can see how fans would be concerned.

Nathan explained that Kaiser just had a bad dream and it is natural for his son to look to him for protection. As for what is going on with Jenelle. The Hollywoodnewsdaily quoted Nathan saying, "There is always something going on with her, rather if it is a twisted version of the truth or a complete lie." So it does not appear as if Nathan Griffith and Jenelle Evans will be getting back together anytime in the near future, as for Jenelle and David Eason time will tell.