"Family by the Ton" screens Wednesday nights on TLC. Spoilers for this week say that Casey King flounders in his weight-loss quest. The preview post up by Amanda Johnson on Instagram reveals a weepy Casey struggling to stay with the program. Obviously, the family's very concerned as he could die very prematurely.

TLC Fans often scorn 'Family by the Ton's' Casey

Fans of the TLC show, "Family by the Ton," often scorn Casey on social media whilst commenting during the show.

Nevertheless, many others like that at least he is trying to do something about his 700-lb weight. People don't like the way he talks to his Dad, and others feel he's sloppy and walks around naked too often. They also didn't like it that he constantly complained about his mom being strict with his diet. However, staying with his mom did get him out of bed and off the gaming console.

We know he saw Ed Barnes prepping for his surgery and Casey seemed a bit off with that idea. Maybe as his mom got him up and about and moving, even swimming, he thinks he can go it alone without the surgery. It looks like he may be getting cold feet.

Seeing he shows little inclination to take any of the blame for his weight on himself, it's not likely he will lose weight without following the doctor's orders. After all, Dr. Procter actually felt that Casey was not really taking his health issues very seriously.

Will Casey King flounder and funk out?

We don't know if Casey will actually flounder and funk out, but in the clip that Amanda shared, he sure looks afraid and distressed. Fans who follow him on Instagram, know that in January in real time, he was so proud that he managed to go shopping and didn't even need to sit down to catch his breath. He was very proud of himself and felt it was a very good day. But the show is filmed ahead of real-life updates on social media.

Looking at Casey in the most recent clip of "Family by the Ton," he really hates the idea of surgery and this worries his family very much. In the clip, we hear that Casey's got "to the point" where he simply does not "want the surgery." Meanwhile, Casey is just "shutting down." Everyone knows that if Casey does not get that surgery he "won't be around much longer." He was very disturbed by Amy having some complications, and he didn't want to see her scars at all, which may be at the root of it all.

Weight-loss quest in jeopardy

Whether seeing Casey bathing in a giant tub or watching him stuff things down his throat puts viewers off him, most people can't help but feel some emotional response to him.

Even those who scorn him would hate to be like him. That's why the "Family by the Ton" show is so popular. Few people who don't carry anywhere near his amount of weight could imagine how he let himself go as he did. It puzzles them that he took so long to try and lose weight. Nevertheless, it's likely hardly any of them would like to see him fail in his weight-loss quest.

What do you think about Casey King getting such cold feet? Do you think the family will bring him around?

Remember to follow the Reality TV Channel on Blasting Pop for spoilers and updates on "Family by the Ton."