"Big Brother 19" fans have watched Josh, and the majority follow Paul like he is the Pied Piper. Josh has done quite a bit of Paul's dirty work and has no idea that the viewers were disappointed in some of his actions. Now, after the pots and pans, and all the chaos in the house, Josh confesses his Final Three plan that excluded Paul.

The following will contain "Big Brother 19" spoilers.

If you don't want to know what may make the editorial cut, now is the time to stop reading.

Josh and Paul started getting "close" when he was on the block against Ramses during Jessica's HOH. Paul executed a plan to surprise Jessica, sending Ramses home, and keeping her target Josh. During that week, Paul would tell Josh what to do, when to do it, and how to get it done. Josh did as instructed, and Paul saw he needed to keep him safe a little longer. Now, when Josh isn't around, Paul makes it clear that really he doesn't like Josh. He has even talked to Josh already about how sometimes friends in the "Big Brother 19" house doesn't lead to friends outside the house.

Josh is more loyal to Paul than anyone else

Josh has not caught the hint yet and remains super loyal to Team Paul. So much so, that he dropped a juicy tidbit on Paul today. Josh told Paul that he was in a Final Three with Jason and Mark. Of course, it is no secret that there is bad blood between Josh and Mark. He told Paul that he thinks Mark should be the next target after Cody is evicted.

From where Paul is sitting, he heard what that Final Three deal means to him. Paul wants to lead the house all the way to the end. The other houseguests are his stepping stones, and Paul just learned that two of them are on shaky ground. Mark, he already doubted, but Jason wasn't totally on his radar yet. He will be now.

Will Paul keep him around after learning this?

As for where this news flash will leave Paul with Josh, like him or not, Paul needs Josh in the "Big Brother 19" house. Josh will keep him informed on things that no one else would share with him. Like him or not, Paul is taking gameplay to the next level, with the strategies he has put in place to accomplish what he needs while making everyone think it is what is best for them.

As for Josh and Mark, Paul already had part of a plan in place. Marlena was already in line as the next target, leaving the other showmance in tact for the sake of votes. The "Big Brother 19" houseguests are openly talking about the upcoming double eviction and plan to put Mark or Elena in a limo to join the Jury House with Cody this week.