"Supernatural" is a hugely popular TV series about hunters Sam and Dean who fight against the Supernatural. The show has been running for 12 seasons and is set to return in October with its 13th. It was recently confirmed that a spin off series featuring character Sheriff Jody Mills is in the works and fans are delighted. The announcement was made at the San Diego Comic Convention. There has been no further information about the potential release date of the series titled "Wayward Sisters."
'Wayward Sisters' the new supernatural series
"Wayward Sisters" is a spin off series of the hit TV series "Supernatural".
The show will follow three main protagonists one of whom fans will already know from "Supernatural". "Wayward Sisters," tells the story of character Sheriff Jody Mills and a group of troubled women. All of these women have been left orphaned by some kind of supernatural event. Mills becomes the leader of this group as she teaches them the ways of fighting against the supernatural. These characters are not set to become hunters like Sam and Dean but rather a police force against the supernatural creatures of the world.
"Wayward Sisters" does not actually feature any biologically related characters. These strong female characters come together in their need for a family. The series focuses on this foster family and the strong bonds that tie the group together.
Sheriff Jody Mills is not the only character from the "Supernatural" family to make it over to this new series. Characters Claire Novak and Alex Jones will also be in the series. They were both brought to the Sheriff by the Winchester brothers and now fans will get to explore what their lives are like now.
The series began as a fan effort
"Wayward Sisters" first began as an idea proposed by the fans of "Supernatural". While the fans enjoyed watching brothers Sam and Dean fight against the evil they noticed that the show lacked any long term strong female characters. Their proposed idea was initially shut down by creators of "Supernatural" but spread quickly online due to the ongoing support of female actresses in the film industry.
Eventually, the idea of a "Supernatural" spin off was explored and recently as San Diego Comic Con it was confirmed that the series will receive a pilot episode. If the pilot is a success the show runners will go ahead with the series. Fans of "Supernatural" are going wild over the news. They can not wait to see some female characters in the supernatural world.
As of yet, there has been no further comment about the state of the new series. It is unknown as to whether a pilot episode has been shot or not. "Supernatural" is due to return to the small screen on October 12 with the shows 13th season.