The new season of "Big Brother 19" is going strong and now it sounds like the Battle Back competition could return. Hidden Remote shared the details, and it really does sound like this is how it is going to go down once again this season.

Why are fans convinced this will happen again?

Last season was the first time that "Big Brother" had the Battle Back competition. A fan by the name of DrewMack10 on Twitter seems to have figured out that it is going to happen again and what he has to say makes total sense.

On Friday, July 21 there is a new episode of "Big Brother." They don't normally show a new episode on Fridays, so if they are doing Battle Back, then it could be airing that night. Last season, this is how it worked about a month into the season, so that would fit perfect.

"Big Brother" has done a lot of things int he past that they liked and so they ended up bringing them back for other seasons. More than likely, the Battle Back competition is going to be one of those. julie chen was even asked about it a while back during an interview and said, "Expected the unexpected! I don’t know what Cameron [Heard] is doing right now." Julie may have just bene teasing, but she did a great job of making the fans wonder what is actually going on.

What could happen if they do a Battle Back?

This competition puts people up against each other that have already been kicked out of the house to have a chance to get back into the house again. Last time, it was the first five people to be evicted from the house. Megan Lowder self-evicted so she wouldn't come back again. Cameron Heard and Jillian Parker would both get to compete, plus whoever gets sent home between now and then. Paul is safe for a few weeks, so it probably won't be him. This would mean that Cameron and Jillian would both still be in sequester and not back home again.

Last season, Victor was able to get back into the house after getting sent home. The fans were excited to see him come back again, and he actually ended up getting sent home and then making it back in the house one more time.

He didn't win the show, but became a fan favorite with all of the time he spent on it.

What do you think of the idea of Battle Back happening again? Who do you want to see get back in the "Big Brother 19" house? Sound off in the comments section below on your thoughts, and don't miss new episodes of "Big Brother" on CBS. Maybe Julie Chen will let the fans know if Battle Back is really happening soon.