Dwayne Johnson is very much open to the idea of leaving his high-paid Hollywood career to enter the prestigious Oval Office. While Johnson’s stand on several political issues and social matters is shady or his association with any political party is unclear, he is still not closing the possibility of running for President in 2020. Aside from his obvious view against the campaign of Trump to ban Muslims in the U.S., the rest of his opinions are general.

Political view

His advocacy for issues regarding veterans and mental health has been some of his priorities. As many citizens dream of a better leadership, he also does. He pointed out that having a disagreement with a large group of people. For the record, he was approached by both Trump and Clinton’s camp for an endorsement on last year’s presidential campaign, but he declined politely. Somehow, this is a sign that eventually “The Rock” will enter the world of politics just like other showbiz personalities.

It is not surprising that someone like Dwayne Johnson will be asked to endorse a politician, especially that he is now in a position where his statement can carry a lot of influence.

However, he still believes in the process of the electoral system and his word will either make someone unhappy or it would persuade someone’s point of view, and he does not want that to happen. Politics wherever in the world has to cater quite a number of unconventional candidates.

List of potential aspirants for 2020 presidential election

For the next US presidential election three years from now, names of unexpected candidates started floating. Mark Cuban and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg are included in the list and even Oprah Winfrey was rumored to run for the presidency. However, she puts a stop to this speculation when she told Stephen Colbert that she would never do it. Another name surfaced for this list is Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney.

Iger said he is concentrating much of his time on his job right now.

Even Michael Moore, the eager protestor of Trump’s administration, supports the idea of bringing “The Rock” to the White House. He started by stating that Democrats should run somebody that people love, noting that Trump once a beloved TV star. For Moore, Johnson is fitted to be the next president because it would scare anybody to do bad things and the country would feel safer. He continued on saying that he wanted someone like Liam Neeson, but since the actor was not born in the U.S., he is not qualified and the American version of Liam Neeson is obviously, Dwayne Johnson.