There is a lot of speculation going on about who should be cast as "The Bachelor" 2018. A new season will start airing in January and fans want to know who will be handing out roses, but ABC hasn't shared the news yet. I have a few opinions on who should get the job.

Should it be someone from Rachel Lindsay's season?

Honestly, I am not sure that it should be someone from Rachel's season of the show.

Of course, Peter Kraus is someone that everyone is talking about, but he wasn't ready for marriage. He made it clear to Rachel that he didn't want to propose to her just yet and that was a big issue with their relationship. Personally, I just don't see that Peter is a good fit, even though you know ABC is looking at him.

The other two big options from this season would be Eric Bigger. He was in the top three and a lot of fans like him. I am afraid that a season with Eric might be a bit boring. Dean Ungert is the other guy that I think could get the job and honestly as of right now he is my first pick.

I love Dean, but he does go on "Bachelor in Paradise" this season which means that he could end up finding love on that show and then wouldn't be a good pick for "The Bachelor."

What are the other options?

Last season on "Bachelor in Paradise," Nick Viall ended up winning over the fans and then they surprised everyone when they cast him as "The Bachelor." He was on the show several times and ended up finding love with Vanessa Grimaldi. They could do something like this again and bring in someone that everyone falls in love with on "BIP." One name that has been thrown around a bit is Wells Adams. Fans love him already and it sounds like he is going to end up looking great on "BIP" this season.

One other name people have talked about is Ben Higgins. He ended up with Lauren Bushnell, but they just called off their engagement. Lauren has moved on and is already dating someone new, but Ben hasn't moved on just yet. As of right now, he doesn't seem interested in the job at all.

Personally, I would pick Wells Adams or Dean Unglert for the next guy cast as "The Bachelor" 2018. If not, I hope that someone impresses us on "Bachelor in Paradise." I have no desire to see Eric or Peter cast, but you never know I might end up loving them if they got the job. ABC will probably wait until closer to the end of "BIP" to reveal who they pick.

Who do you feel like should be cast as "The Bachelor" 2018? Sound off in the comments section below on your thoughts, and stay tuned for ABC to announce the new "Bachelor."