Efforts to remove Donald Trump from office has intensified following one of most daring tweets yet. Twitter is ablaze with critics calling for the impeachment of Trump using such hashtags as #25thAmendmentNow, #25thAmendment, and #25for45. It's all centered around a GIF the president posted early Sunday morning that featured a video of him in a 2007 wrestling match WWE CEO Vince McMahon. The footage had McMahon's entire head blocked out with a CNN logo as Trump threw him on the ground and began punching him.

President goes over-the-top defaming the media

Donald Trump has more than enough opposition without his adding more fuel to the fire. His tweet on Sunday morning did nothing more than imply he wants to violently attack a CNN journalist and it's making people in the news profession worry for their safety.

The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the world, and one of the current leader's main priorities is to discredit the American media. Inciting violence appears to be part of his agenda despite his supporters making light of it.

Trump has accused CNN of being a "fake news" organization and is taking his disdain for the network to a whole new level.

While three White House staffers of Trump's administration reportedly consider the tweet a "joke," many aren't finding it "funny." It's unprecedented for a U.S. president to incessantly attack the media in the way Trump has.

Trump's impropriety gone wild

Thursday kicked off a tirade of tweets from Trump. He began by criticizing "Morning Joe's" Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski -- claiming that Mika been "bleeding badly from a face-life" when he saw her on New Year's Eve -- and added more insult Saturday morning by tweeting that she's "dumb as a rock." On Sunday, Trump took to Twitter to post his true feelings about CNN with the wrestling clip.

25th Amendment

What is the 25th Amendment and it's role in removing Trump from office?

It was amended to the Constitution in 1967 after John F. Kennedy's assassination. It allows a body of Congress to remove a sitting president from office if it's been found that he or she is deemed unfit to hold power and perform duties of the office. Nearly two dozen Democrats are in the process of supporting a bill proposed by Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin to get Trump out of office.

Raskin wants a panel of physicians and psychiatrists to examine Donald Trump on his physical and mental health to serve as president. In addition to the panel of doctors, there would be two members of former officials who served in high-ranking positions in the White House -- such as a former president, vice president, attorney general, or secretary of state.

The bill is considered a last ditch effort to impeach Donald Trump. Even if Trump was declared unfit to serve as president, he could appeal the decision. Another factor: two-thirds of both the House and Senate must support the commission's decision if his power is revoked. If less than that agree, Trump remains in office.