Just hours after former FBI Director Robert Mueller was brought on to oversee the current investigation into Russian election interference, the White House addressed the issue in a prepared statement. The following morning, Donald Trump went back to his usual ways and fired back on Twitter, but was quickly mocked for yet another basic spelling mistake.

Trump's Twitter blunder

Not long after Donald Trump kicked off his campaign for president, it became clear that he wasn't going to see eye to eye with the mainstream media. After referring to illegal immigrants from Mexico as "rapists" and "murderers," the former host of "The Apprentice" drew heavy criticism from the press. In an attempt to bypass the traditional news outlets, Trump decided that he would use social media to push his agenda and reach potential voters. Almost instantly, Twitter became Trump's number one form of communication, which has continued into his fourth month in office. Over the last week, Trump has lashed out on Twitter on an increased basis, with the Russian scandal seeming to grow by the day, with the latest twist involving former FBI Director Robert Mueller overseeing the investigation into the Kremlin.

On Thursday morning, Trump decided to address the issue on Twitter in a pair of aggressive tweets, but was quickly trolled over a spelling error on May 18.

In his first tweet of the morning, Donald Trump took a shot at both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, while also expressing his frustration with the hire of Robert Mueller. "With all of the illegal acts that took place in the Clinton campaign & Obama Administration, there was never a special councel appointed!" the president wrote on Twitter. In a follow-up message on social media, Trump went on to accuse his critics of taking part in the "single great witch hunt" against him, while continuing to deny any wrongdoing in regards to potential collusion with Russia.

Twitter check

Within minutes, Twitter users mocked the president for his spelling of the word "counsel" as "councel." "It's 'counsel', dumb sh*t," artist Mike Denison wrote.

"And councel is spelled incorrectly. It's counsel. With a S," another tweet pointed out about Donald Trump's blunder. "It's spelled 'counsel,'" a follow-up tweet added. "They did have Special Proofreaders though," an additional message replied back. The backlash continued, as the commander in chief made it clear that he was rushing through his messages with the pressure mounting in the White House.