trump and his tough talk regarding immigration seems to have caused a decline in the numbers of illegals entering the U.S from Mexico. The proposed wall has not even been built yet, but Trump's tough stance could already be discouraging Mexican illegals from trying to enter the USA.

Trump's stance on illegal immigration results in lowest figures in 17 years

The New York Post covered the report by the head of Homeland Security, who announced on Tuesday "that arrests of people entering the US illegally by crossing the Mexican border plummeted in March." John Kelly, the DHS chief submitted in his written testimony to the Senate panel the fact that there were only around twelve thousand people arrested in March, and this was way down on the February arrests which numbered forty-three thousand.

This means that the illegals arrested from Mexico were now at their greatest 'low' in seventeen years.

The New York Post points out that the government has not yet implimented any changes to the way they operate when patrolling the borders, and surmize that the talk from the Trump team, which is pretty tough, might be a real 'deterrent' to illegals wanting to come into the USA.

Fewer immigrants from the South and others going North

At the opposite end of the country, on the border with Canada, many illegal immigrants from inside the USA are crossing the border, hoping to be arrested and given a chance for a new life in Canada as they fear that Trump immigration policies might cause hardship for them and their families.

Fox News Insider reported on 4 April that the first bids to build the wall on the Mexican border were due on Tuesday. They reported that "a U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the details haven't been made public, said four to ten bidders are expected to be chosen to build prototypes."

Perhaps 'Tough Talk' by Trump negates the need for a white elephant wall?

With a proposed spend of millions on the wall, there are some very unhappy people in the USA. Trump was a happy man on 20 March when he announced that Illegal Immigration was down when he addressed a crowd in Kentucky. He said to the crowd, "Since the day of my election, we've already cut illegal immigration at the southern border by 61 percent, think of that, 61 percent, and we haven't started."

At that time Trump indicated there had already been a huge drop in numbers of illegal immigrants from the Mexican border.

By the end of March, this figure has risen to 67 percent, according to statistics released by the Washington Times.

Perhaps Trump Tough Talk is all it takes to keep the borders secure and the wall will just be a very expensive 'white elephant.'