The bushfires in Australia have taken a heavy toll on the green cover necessary for survival. It displaced people and killed animals, birds and other forms of living beings. On a rough estimate, the fires destroyed an area greater than the size of South Korea. While the fires are coming under control, industries will continue to feel the after-effects for a long time to come.

Eden, a city in New South Wales, faced the bushfires since 25 December and a local restaurateur says - "We are a ghost town." The fire had disrupted communication links on the main highway that connects Melbourne and Sydney. The local economy is also feeling the harsh realities because many businesses are laying off staff.

Al Jazeera says bushfires are normal in rural Australia but the latest round of blazes has unnerved everybody. It is labeled as the worst fire season in the recorded history of Australia's most populous state. The fires are gradually coming under control. However, the future appears to be one of the uncertainties with the loss of greenery and damages to the infrastructure.

There are apprehensions that the economy will take a beating and some sections of society might have to pay a higher price.

Effects of bushfires on tourism and agriculture

The damage from bushfires has a direct effect on the tourism and agriculture industries in Australia. These are the sufferers because many of them had to evacuate to safety leaving behind their homes and businesses like cherry farming, forestry, the beekeeping industry, and abalone production. For them, recovery would be a long drawn process. The fires led to a virtual shutdown of all economic activity, especially in beach holiday towns. They had no other alternative but to shut down during their peak tourist period.

Al Jazeera goes on to add tourism has an important role to play in Australia's economy.

The country is a major Travel destination and this sector generates employment opportunities. Last year, there were more than nine million visitors from abroad and they have spent in billions. These figures are an improvement over corresponding figures of the previous year. The bushfires have had a major impact in this area and the government has promised to extend help to this sector. Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said – "This is make or break for many businesses and tourist hot spots and not just in those areas directly hit by the bushfires." In the opinion of scientists, Australia could face hotter, longer summers that would aggravate the situation.

Australian bushfires leave behind destruction

According to the UN Environment, the bushfires have destroyed the environment and has killed large animals and small ones apart from species like bats and insects. Those that survived would have lost their habitats and food sources. When forests go up in flames, the ecological balance goes for a toss. There is a link between extreme weather events and the survival of species. Then there are health issues because of the smoke and air pollution, victims usually being the aged and the young ones. Mental trauma is another fallout, which comes from evacuation and consequent loss of prized possessions like homes, pets, belongings, livestock or other sources of livelihoods.

Climate change is one factor responsible for bushfires. Global warming contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, and it increases the possibility of more fires.

Humans are responsible for bushfires

The devastation unleashed by the bushfires in Australia should be an eye-opener for others. It boils down to the scant regard people have for the environment. It is an integral part of the survival chain but is not getting due importance. Trees are cut down in the name of development and such a loss disturbs the ecological balance. It translates into inadequate rainfall that, in turn, gives rise to drought situations and possible fires.