New exciting surprises continue to arrive regarding ''Pokemon Go,'' and the first-ever Global Catch Challenge taking place in the augmented reality game. According to new information revealed by a Reddit user in the Silph Road portal, Niantic has just launched a new special box in the shop, which contains a super incubator and one more ultra box with 16 lucky eggs, four raid passes, eight lure modules, and 30 ultra balls.

Pokemon Go's players and trainers would not be completely surprised by the sale, but yes by the great contents of the boxes. The amount of Lucky Eggs and Lures is very exciting. As reported by the Reddit user and the Pokemon Go Hug portal, a few Raid Passes are in the mix and the great Ultra Balls seem like a cherry on top. It is likely that the developer could be pushing this new event to be something similar like a worldwide ''Pokemon Go'' fest; However, players will love and appreciated to spend time playing the game and getting these great new items during a whole week.

It is worth mentioning that the Ultra Box was 1480 when the sale initially started; However, it was quickly adjusted to 880 PokéCoins.

New features and items added in the game’s store by Niantic

Most of Pokemon Go's players actually appreciate the way that Niantic has decided to roll out this new event, by keeping them updated; However, some of them think that the developer could have added the live counter or something, so they have an idea where they stand. During the seven days of the new event, players will be able to get the following ítems in the shop with the current prices

Super Incubators, 200 PokéCoins each

Special Box, 380 PokéCoins

  • 20x Great Ball

  • 6x Lucky Egg

  • 1x Premium Raid Pass

  • 4x Lure Module

    Ultra Box, 880 PokéCoins

  • 16x Lucky Egg

  • 4x Premium Raid Pass

  • 8x Lure Module

  • 30x Ultra Ball

Additional information:

Niantic has released a new version of the game for mobile devices, which leads to the update 0.69.0 in devices with Android operating system and to 1.39.0 in the case of those containing iOS, whose weight oscillates 53 MB.

The functionalities that have been introduced on this occasion are not revolutionary, as well as the corrected errors, which are not of great magnitude. However, we are facing small aspects that will facilitate the future of the trainers in their daily work of hunting and catching specimens as well as gyms.

This is all the information known so far. Keep enjoying the game, and stay tuned for more updates as they become available.