The latest updates for "Overwatch" will feature the lore and Release Date of the new game map, "Junkertown" and clues on the next DLC hero on the roster.

Junkertown launching next week

Blizzard Entertainment announced that the new escort map,"Junkertown" will launch in "Overwatch" on Sept. 19 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and the PC. Game director Jeff Kaplan and his team revealed the lore and inspiration behind the Australian map.

Junkertown was created after the Australian government allowed the Omnics to settle at a site near the country's ominums. The decision became controversial after the solar farmers, who worked and lived there were replaced by them. The farmers fought back and in the process, they blow up the ominums.

This led to the farmers building their own city from the wreckage of the factories and renamed it Junkertown. The new map also revealed the back stories of "Overwatch: characters Junkrat and Roadhog. Apparently, Roadhog was one of the solar farmers who has fought the Omnics that want to replace them.

As for Junkrat, he wants to get back into the city by bribing the Junker Queen with a payload full of gold and treasures from their heists, but underneath it is a bomb that will blow up the whole town.

The new map will feature amazing building structures made from the scrap yard and junk metal such as houses, restaurants, landscapes and even a gladiator arena. The map will also feature traps, vehicles, mecha suits showcasing the creativity of its citizens.

A new hero teased?

With Junkertown coming to "Overwatch" next week, several gaming fans theorized that next DLC hero could be found in the new map. The fans speculated that the Junker Queen could be the next hero joining the game's growing roster.

Kaplan and the development team revealed that the Junker Queen was once a gladiator fighter in Junkertwo, who earned her position as a leader due to her charismatic influence. While it is unknown if Blizzard will consider the Junker Queen as a potential hero in the game, there have been instances that new heroes are introduced in the maps.

For instance, Numbani revealed the origin stories of Orisa and Doomfist, while Sombra's appearance was first hinted in Durado. Perhaps, the new map will serve as another teaser for the next character in "Overwatch" and Blizzard will likely announce it in their future updates.

The game developers announced new changes for D.Va, and Mercy when Junkertwon is release next week.