The beauty about “Overwatch” is the balance it offers on all characters. All heroes in the game have their own respective counters regardless of how powerful they may appear. This, in particular, has allowed the game to thrive successfully.
Apparently, though, there was a slight change made to Reaper in “Overwatch.” This happened following the release of the game’s latest update from Blizzard. Sure, he looks a bit scary with those massive shotguns; however, with the new patch, he has become relatively more powerful.
The new Reaper
Believe it or not, Blizzard did not even have to change Reaper’s damage when using the dual-wielded guns.
Patch 1.12, in particular, boosted the DPS character’s survivability in the game. How exactly? Well, that was a boost on his passive skill called The Reaping. It holds true that his healing health orbs were removed from the game, but they were replaced with a much better one – automatic healing, that is. The hero is now able to regain at least 20 percent of the entire damage done to other characters as health. This is definitely a huge jump from his previous skill, making him a challenging opponent to others.
The change the studio did to the hero in “Overwatch” only made him a formidable force to reckon. Before, he was considered an apt counter for tanky heroes thanks to his dual-wielded guns.
Now, with the boost he got, he becomes more of a nightmare to the likes of Roadhog, D.Va, Reinhardt, and Winston, among others. The latter in particular becomes more vulnerable considering his health points of only 500, though Reaper's chances of regaining his health is small. D.Va, on the other hand, will have to make use of her shield more often compared to before.
Other changes made to other heroes
The new patch also came with various changes to other “Overwatch” heroes. Roadhog, in particular, is no longer a one-shot killing machine. Sadly, he got a slight nerf from Blizzard. As a result, he became more susceptible to Reaper’s significant damage. Remember that his health points are big enough to give Reaper back his life.
This is not to mention the fact that he is not as deadly as before. Roadhog players will definitely be more challenged when facing Reaper.
In one way or another, players in “Overwatch” are trying to get used to the adjustments Blizzard did. While some do not agree with the changes, there are those who believe it is for the betterment of the game. Nevertheless, if the changes prove to be a bit of a stretch, the studio will most likely do some adjustments later on.