Some users have claimed that AMD’s Ryzen 5 1600X and 1600 CPUs are both working on eight Cores. The Guru mentioned in a post that some Ryzen owners were surprised when they found out that the CPU had extra cores and additional threads.

Originally, the 1600x was expected to have six cores and 12 threads while featuring 3.6 GHz based clock and 4.0 GHz Turbo clock. With the extra upgrade in the Ryzen 5 1600X, users can have a CPU that is capable as the 1800X CPU with a price of only $200.

These chips were assembled in September 2017 in Malaysia. Some doubtful users, on the other hand, did not believe the claims until they tested the chips' benchmark and found out that they can actually work in parallel with the 1800Xs.

The reason behind 1600x’s extra cores

The reason behind these discoveries is yet to be explained. Moreover, every AMD’s Ryzen 5 1600X CPUs were already tested right before the chips were packaged and exported. Therefore, it is impossible for the company to misplace the 1600X with the1800x CPUs.

There are also possibilities that AMD has decided to use some of its eight cores for the Ryzen 5 1600X and 1600 CPUs to ensure that the production of the chips will meet the enormous demands from AMD’s buyers.

Whatever the case is, some consumers will gain more than they expected.

Newest AMD’s NVMe RAID support for Threadripper

According to a post from HotHardware, AMD is launching NVMe RAID support for its Ryzen Threadripper platform, which is a week delayed from its original schedule. The latest RAID will work with any NVMe SSDs and X399 motherboard. It will also enable RAID mode zero, one, and ten that were connected to the CPU’s PCIe lanes.

Even though the x399 chipset cannot give RAID potentials for NVMe SSDs, it still has PCle lane counts that can be used for upgrades. The company said that the latest RAID support was able to deliver an incredible 21.2GB per seconds from six disks in RAID 0.

AMD’s latest RAID for Ryzen Threadripper is like a heart software RAID system, which also means that it will require new drivers for the OS that have matching support for its motherboard.

Therefore, setting up NVMe RAID will be similar to setting up the SATA RAID chipset, configuring the array through the motherboard firmware while downloading additional drivers.

The post also explained that the new RAID support is not compatible with its previous SATA RAID system for X399. Currently, the only way to configure the latest support is through recreating the system by installing new drivers and firmwares.