The fight between two prominent GPU-manufacturers namely AMD and NVIDIA continues to grow stronger by the day. While the former plans on driving most of the demands to its side through its recently-unveiled Radeon Vega architecture; the latter plans on doing the same through the means of its GeForce-based GPU cards. Things might end up being in the favor of AMD as the GPU-manufacturing giant only yesterday introduced a refreshed Radeon driver Update, which is expected to take the GPU-consuming market by a storm.

The latest update is believed to be major, as it comes tagged along with the best of the features possible. Several reports further go on to suggest that the upcoming update is the first major update since AMD introduced its Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition back in 2016.

Features of the device

The latest update — as mentioned before — comes packed with the best of the features and improvements. According to a report published by Digital Trends, the latest update is primarily focused on three major factors. The firm has paid special attention to three main key features including the GPU’s features, performance and stability.

AMD has addressed the feature aspect by streamlining the Radeon Settings interface. The users will no longer have to tag onto multiple panels to bring about the changes that they prefer. The firm has transferred everything into a single panel, making the overall experience much easier for the users.

Apart from this, the latest update also carries graphics that can be switched as per the user’s preference. The users have added control over pixel format as well as the color depth of a particular video, on the basis of their preference. Another primary attraction in the latest update is that it carries something known as Radeon ReLive. Not only does this come with zero per cent bugs but it has also exponentially improved the recording speed as well.

Furthermore, it also supports an enhanced memory optimization. Imagine playing games like Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare without having to worry about such things!

Radeon WattMan utility

Lastly, the latest Radeon driver update also comes featuring the Radeon WattMan utility. Users will now be able to underclock the storage on the graphics cards, thereby eliminating any possible effects that the cards might be causing to the system. This certainly enhances the overall performance of the graphics cards as well. Apart from this, the update also comes with a feature primarily designed to save power called Radeon Chill.