PlayStation 4 console has been around for awhile, but nonetheless, PlayStation 3 console has been producing. According to the information from official Japanese PlayStation website, Sony's third home video game console is soon becoming a part of history.

As a tribute to this amazing and history-writing piece of hardware in the world of gaming, we are dedicating this article to PlayStation 3.

PS3 console doubtlessly had its ups and downs, but we cannot deny the fact that it has left an indelible trace in the history of gaming.

Brief history of PlayStation 3 console

PlayStation 3 console was first time announced in 2005 at E3. The new console was first released in Japan on 11th November 2006 and four months later in Europe. It was better received in Japan than in Europe, mostly due to the fact that its biggest rival – Xbox 360, had a lower price, better online system and it seemed that games run and look better than PS3. First days of PS3 were “shaky“, but the tides turned when Sony released cheaper, slimmer and lighter version of PS3.

That's when the sale of PS3 started to bloom. And now, over 80 millions of these consoles have been sold all around the globe.

Most important PS3 titles

Games that marked the era of PS3 console are by all means the "Uncharted" trilogy and "The Last of Us," both made by amazing developers from Naughty Dog. They won numerous awards and they are also considered to be one of the best games ever made. We must not forget Kratos as well and his role in action-adventure "God of War III," otherwise we would get to feel the same wrath he brought upon the Gods from Greek mythology.

PS3 gamers who love racing games were blessed with "Gran Turismo 5", which delivered remarkable feelings of being in the driver's seat of a powerful vehicle.

Everyone's heard of "Dark Souls," right? Well, this amazing hardcore RPG has its roots in Demon Souls.

The end of PS3

PlayStation 3 was an amazing console with a rich list of even more amazing games, but it wasn't enough to surpass PlayStation 2, which still remains the best-selling Sony console. The information arriving from the official Japanese PlayStation website announce the end of PS3 console - its a 500-gigabyte standard model, to be precise, which is currently the only model left in Production.

It isn't specified when exactly, but deliveries of PlayStation 3 should stop soon enough. This means that in the future, PS3 console will be available in stores until stocks run out. Afterward, the console will be available for purchase only through private ads, auctions and so on.