"90 Day Fiancé" cast, Paul Staehle, has released a video on his Instagram for his fans. On his caption, he stated that it was a "Recording Before Statement Of Accusation Was Written."

The "90 Day Fiancé" couple, of Karine and Paul, has been having altercations since their marriage started. On July 31, Paul made a video and sent it to his Instagram. He said he was going to get tested.

Later, he posted his test results, on Instagram, showing that he was positive for an STD. He said that he had never cheated on Karine before. Karine placed a restraining order against Paul. She didn't want him within 500 feet of her. She accused him of rape and abuse. According to In Touch Weekly, Paul threatened to take full custody of his son after an argument between him and his wife. The 35-year-old said that he would not let his wife take his son to Brazil and if he had to, he'd release his son to the judge. The police seemingly asked Karine's friend about the situation and she said that Paul was controlling.

On August 1, Paul broke the sad news to his fans, saying that his wife and his 16-month-old son were missing. He was worried about his wife and son and asked people to report to Jefferson County sheriff's department if they saw her or heard from her.

What happened in Paul video

In the video that Paul recently posted, he was carrying his son, Pierre, while the police talked to a woman. The police said that there was no way a restraining order could be placed when violence was not involved. The clip was taken before Karine went missing.

Fans slam Paul

With all the pressure going on concerning Karine and her son, fans are very disappointed in Paul for continuously posting their business on social media.

In fact, some of them are already assuming Karine's story is true. One follower commented, "He did something to her I'm convinced."

Another fan said that Paul needed psychiatric help. The fan also hoped that Karine and her son escaped to Brazil, where she believed they'd be safe. A follower asked Paul why he posted their business on social media. She said she couldn't imagine having an argument with her husband and then posting it for everyone to see.

Another fan said that she felt like the police were not being assertive about the case. She said that she was concerned because Karine was a foreigner, alone with Paul in America. One of his followers commented: "this went from entertaining to scary really fast."