Amanda Bynes has a lot of her fans, and social media followers concerned that she may not be quite as healthy as she has been letting on. For the past few weeks, Amanda has been pretty active once again on social media. Amanda's return to social media came about on February 14, when the former Nickelodeon star announced that she had "found the love of her life, and was now engaged."

According to The Blast, Amanda Bynes' mental health has sparked a few concerns following her most recent post, a picture of Drake.

Fans will remember that during Bynes' very public downfall back in 2013. The actress made some alarming social media posts about the singer Drake.

Amanda Bynes moving too fast

One post in particular, and her most controversial invited Drake to sleep with her, to put it in a much more milder wording than Bynes. It was during that time that Amanda's downward spiral with her mental health, along with her use of drugs and alcohol, found her completely out of control and placed in a psychiatric evaluation hold.

However, today's Drake post much milder and showing appreciation for the singer's music still had some questioning if Amanda Bynes may be possibly slipping back into that dark place.

Despite Amanda revealing that her past social media interactions were made when she was at her lowest, using a lot of drugs and her mental state was uncontrollable.

Happy and engaged, Amanda Bynes ready to marry Paul Michael

Still at even at the mention of Drake's name fan concerns were sounded. One commenter stated, "Oh no not this again," and "After all that I would never mention Drake again!" However, Bynes claims all is well and she is happier than she has ever been thanks to her new love and fiance Paul Michael.

As previously reported Amanda Bynes announced her engagement and has since been sharing numerous photos of herself and Michael on her Instagram page in an attempt to convince all that she is finally at a healthy place in her life and ready to take back control.

Lynn Bynes claims Amanda is not ready to take control of her life

Amanda is due in court soon to hopefully convince her parents and a judge that she is healthy enough to stop paying for and attending treatment, and also that she is ready to get married. Bynes needs the judge to sign off on her conservatorship before she will legally be permitted to marry.

However, Amanda Bynes is going to have a big fight on her hands with her parents once they step inside the courtroom. No matter how well she believes herself to be her mother, Lynn Bynes feels very differently. Lynn claims that Amanda needs to remain in a "controlled environment" and is nowhere ready to take control of her own choices or finances.

Amanda's mom is also dead set against Amanda marrying Paul Michael anytime in the near future. Since Lynn is in charge of her daughter's conservatorship, she has the power to prevent the marriage. This could be the beginning of a very long drawn out and nasty court battle.