"90 Day Fiance" Season 7 Tell-All part one aired on Sunday. As usual, fans of the TLC show took to Twitter to tweet out their take on the show while it aired. Syngin and Tania both managed to get themselves dragged a bit on social media as it looks like they rushed unprepared into marriage. After all, she wants kids, lots of them, and he doesn't know if he wants any at all.

Plus, he claims he can't hold down a job, and seems reluctant to commit to working. Then, Tania can't call him her soulmate. Meanwhile, Angela Deem came over as the voice of reason, which took fans aback a bit.

Tell All for '90 Day Fiance' - unusually, fans diss on Syngin

Blasting News reported in early February that the couple return to the franchise in "90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?" Reporting many "grumpy" reactions from fans, feedback on social media was that most fans didn't want Tania back, as Syngin's really popular. It's unusual for fans to diss on Syngin, but that happened on Twitter during the Tell-All.

That's because red flags abound during the flashbacks and during the interviews with Shaun Robinson.

One of those involved kids. Recall earlier in the show, Tania said she wanted to "pop" them out one after the other. Shocked, Syngin told her he didn't know about the "second one." Kids and decisions about kids possibly amount to a failed marriage or not, so Shaun, the Tell-All host asked them about that. It turned out they married already but never settled the question of kids. Even Syngin admitted he doesn't like the idea as he finds it hard committing to holding down a job. In fact, after Tania going about him not being a soulmate, people wonder why on earth he married her in such a rush. Some "90 Day Fiance" fans got quite critical of him on Twitter.

Rushed marriage, no work commitment, and red flags, fans think

Tania, as usual, got loads of hate on social media. She told Shaun that people think she's a "B**ch" for pushing Syngin, but he admitted he's a "procrastinator." He might do woodwork, he might become an opera star, he might do whatever he can, but it sounds like he's just waiting for the lottery to pop out his number. And, fans think after she insisted he's not a soulmate, he made a grave error.

One critic noted, "Syngin a straight sucker for tania."

Another "90 Day Fiance" critic noted, " Syngin: I’ll marry this non -soulmate lady..."

Tania doesn't escape '90 Day Fiance' critics, but Angela Deem's a reasonable voice

Fans simply don't expect Angela Deem to sound reasonable or bring a voice of reason to the table.

But she did this time. She said to Tania and Syngin that in a relationship, "people have to bend." She added, "even I bend." She also noted that it's not good for Tania to call her exes her soulmate. One person on Twitter noted, " Angela: You just told Tania not to say past exes were your soulmates. Something is wrong when Angela is the voice of reason."

And, on Tania and Syngin, this tweet just about sums up the unchanging criticism that "90 Day Fiance" fans feel for Tania:

Rushed marriage babies

More criticism came in about the two "90 Day Fiance" stars. One person, on babies and the rather rushed marriage, noted:

Meanwhile, less sympathy for Syngin came up in this tweet below. The critic noted, "A lot of folks were feeling bad for Syngin because of the way Tania treated him but he’s really irresponsible and not dependable.

These 2 ding dongs really deserve each other."

What do you think about people dissing on both Tania and Syngin during the Tell-All? Do you feel less sympathy for him now? After all, it seemed they rushed into marriage unprepared and don't even know yet about having kids.

Remember to follow the Reality TV Channel on Blasting News for more news about The cast of TLC's "90 Day Fiance."