Lisa Marie Presley lost her court appeal early Tuesday morning in Los Angeles. Presley filed emergency court documents in hopes of persuading a Los Angeles, California judge to grant special permission for Lisa to take her 11-year-old twin daughters Harper and Finely to Memphis Tennessee to celebrate the four-day scheduled event to celebrate the 85th birthday of her late father Elvis Presley.

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According to Hollywood News Daily reports Lisa Marie Presley is heartbroken over the entire situation. She feels like her daughters will be missing out on a very important historical family event. The reason Lisa Marie was denied permission to take Harper and Finely out of state stems back to Lisa and ex-husband Michael Lockwood's ongoing divorce and custody case.

At this time there is an order in place denying either Presley or Lockwood to travel out of state without the other's permission, or that of the court.

Today the judge denied Lisa's request stating that the circumstances did not rise to the level of an "emergency."

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As previously reported, Lisa Marie filed for divorce from her fourth husband Michael Lockwood in June of 2016. Since day one it has been very ugly between Presley and Lockwood, especially when it comes to the couple's twin daughters. Accusations between the couple have been snapping back and forth. In the beginning, Lisa accused Michael of exhibiting inappropriate behavior with the girls claiming she found disturbing photos on Lockwood's personal computer.

Lockwood has slammed back that he believes Lisa Marie has been coaching the girls to speak out against him.

He has also brought up some very ugly stories pertaining to Presley's drug and alcohol addiction issues. Presley was forced to openly admit her drug issues in court stating that during her marriage to Lockwood she was abusing cocaine, prescription pills, and alcohol.

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Lisa also openly admitted a rather embarrassing detail concerning her personal finances. The only daughter and sole heir to the Elvis Presley fortune revealed that she is broke, having next to nothing left of her father's inheritance Presley admitted that while she did have a tendency to overspend at times she is not solely responsible for her dire financial situation. Lisa added that she lost a lot of her money due to poor business management at the hands of her former manager.

Presley's family fans have been well aware that Lisa Marie and Michael Lockwood's divorce will not be an easy one, for Lisa. It is expected by fans to be a very long ongoing and bitter trial for all involved. Presley is prepared to face Lockwood head-on, and it will come as no surprise to fans to see both parties air a whole lot of dirty laundry in the meantime.

The Lisa Marie Presley and Michael Lockwood divorce trial is scheduled to begin on July 20, 2020, and take up to a month to conclude.