Jenelle, a former "Teen Mom 2" actor, has always been hitting the headlines for all the bad reasons, like misbehaving. From the first day that she appeared on "16 and Pregnant," Jenelle has always found it hard to keep out of trouble. However, recently, both Janelle Evans and her husband David Eason made the headlines over the death of their dog Nugget.

Fans hit out at David Eason

According to ShowBiz CheatSheet, David Eason started making headlines after his several homophobic tweets. It was during a debate on gun rights. Eason insulted the LGBTQ community.

He was reacting to a user’s tweet, only to make comments that accused transgender parents of being immoral. His comments stirred a hot online conversation. People started telling MTV to part ways with Eason through their tweets.

They relentlessly asked MTV to get rid of David Eason from this show. In the end, they were granted their wish, and David and Jenelle were thrown out of the show. Originally, with David, TLC parted ways over his homophobic attitude. But Jenelle also got the boot after David allegedly killed the family dog, a little Frenchie named Nugget. USA Today reported that "Evans said in April that her husband killed the family's French bulldog, Nugget, after the dog bit their 2-year-old daughter, Ensley."

Not happy with the incident

Eason never apologized for the killing.

Initially, he shared a video about it that sparked a furor. The images showed their daughter Ensley with a small red mark on her face. Fans were skeptical that it looked like a dog bite. But, the word was out there that something violent had gone down and allegations surfaced that he not only shot the dog but beat it in front of the kids and Jenelle.

Concerned about his son Kaiser, Jenelle's ex, Nathan Griffith requested a wellness check. Fans know that he's been fighting for custody of Kaiser for some time. This was revealed in the last season of the show. Nathan Griffith made an emergency call to ensure that his son was safe. It ended up in a well-publicized CPS case and temporarily, the couple, David and Jenelle lost custody of all their kids.

However, they were since restored to them, except for Jace who lives with his grandma, Barbara.

Eason finally comes clean on the untimely dog’s death

Eason always claimed Nugget was a danger to his daughter Ensley which was why he needed to get rid of it. But, now he finally admitted he's sorry about Nugget's death. Speaking to, he said, "This was something that nobody wants to ever have to do. The dog was aggressive. Yes, she might not be huge or whatever, but you know when a dog bites a child on the face more than one time, then it should never be around the child again."

Plus, he noted if he called it in to the police they would say Nugget should be euthanized. But, that costs money, so he did it himself.

He added, "I mean, I loved that dog,” fighting back tears. “I still think about her every day." But, judging by the torrent of hate for the couple on social media, he's not likely to ever convince the fans of "Teen Mom 2."