"90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days" brings a very stubborn Avery, aged 19. She's not a child, but quite often acts like a young teen with her mom Teri Mills. She converted to the Muslim faith and was stubborn about that. She's determined to marry Omar, who she met on a Muslim dating website, and resists her mom's concerns every step of the way. Teri's concerned about Omar's motive for marrying her, and the fact Avery intends moving to Syria.

But, Avery's so stubborn that she suffered through summer wearing her hijab to prove her mom wrong.

Fans of '90 Day Fiance' see Mom Teri dealing with stubborn Avery

Avery chose her conversion to the Muslim faith and the family couldn't talk her out of it. Stubborn Avery won't hear much advice, actually. She met Omar via a Muslim dating site and decided he's the one for her. On the TLC show, we saw her take along her rather reluctant mom to Lebanon where she met Omar for the first time. She also told her friends and some family, but not her mom, she intends moving to Syria with Omar after they marry.

But, they can't talk any sense into her. Stubborn Avery again insists she'll tell her mom her own way.

When the "90 Day Fiance" couple first met in Lebanon, a problem arose. Avery discovered Omar failed with making wedding arrangements. Surprisingly, her mom Teri, who until them resisted the marriage, did a flip-flop. TV Shows Ace reported, "Surprisingly, her mom, not overly keen on it in the first place, decided she suddenly wanted a wedding. But, that flip-around didn’t really worry fans of the TLC show too much. Instead, they were shocked by Avery’s intention to live in Syria." Now, Avery's mom also knows about Syria and she's not happy with her stubborn daughter.

Proving her mom wrong on '90 Day Fiance'

In a recent episode of the show, we saw Avery and her mom getting into an argument about Omar's intentions. It's the night before the wedding, and Teri asks her daughter if she really thought about Omar's motives. After all, she points out, he might just want to use her for a green card. Stubborn Avery replies, "If [Omar] wanted someone just to get a visa over here, he could’ve got somebody." Hello Avery, he just did. And, that's exactly what Teri pointed out as well.

The conversation also devolved further when the two discussed where they would live. The sometimes immature "90 Day Fiance" star soon stormed out the room after pointing out they need not live in the USA.

In fact, she mentioned Omar could get a job anywhere in the Middle east. She also noted they might even choose to stay in Dubai, and not Syria or the USA. When her mom continued arguing, Avery made like a stubborn teen and rushed to Omar's room, banged on the door, saying they would never live in the USA. Obviously, that's to spite her mom and act out her stubborn ways again. And stubborn, she is. During the various arguments. Teri mentioned the hot summers and living in a hijab.

Living with a hijab in the Middle Eastern summer - Avery suffers

Taking to her Instagram late Tuesday night, Avery shared that bit of the conversation about the hijab again, Quoting her mom, Avery captioned her post with, "Idk she hasn’t been Muslim in the summer yet." Well, it seems that desperate to prove her mom wrong, the "90 Day Fiance" star suffered through the whole of the summer heat.

In fact, she added, "Proud to say the hijab never came off no matter how much I thought I was gonna have a heat stroke."

Well, fans noticed she got stubborn about it, and some felt that her mom Teri was only trying to get the best in life for her daughter. Others asked if Muslim women need to wear the hijab all the time. Those fans in the know pointed out it's voluntary and you need not wear it in the home, usually. Others also note how they struggle with the hijab in the heat. Avery agreed. noting, "sweat will drip from your face just standing still it’s intense."

Well, it looks like stubborn Avery will do anything to prove her mom wrong, and if she suffered in the summer heat with her hijab to just prove a point, then really, she's reminding us what a baby she still is.

No wonder fans worry she's too young to be making such life-changing decisions about Omar, Syria, and her future.

Remember to follow the Reality TV Channel on Blasting News for more news about "90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days."