"The Real Housewives of Atlanta: Porsha's Having a Baby" aired its final episode on Sunday. In it, we saw Porsha welcoming her little girl Pilar Jhena. Now, in real life, which is seven weeks since the baby arrived, Porsha Williams took to her Instagram to share some pics of 'the baby and her fiancé Dennis McKinley.

Baby Pilar Jhena's birth aired on the 'The Real Housewives of Atlanta: Porsha's Having a Baby' spinoff

We saw Porsha in the final episode of the "Housewives of Atlanta" spinoff just last night. however, in real life, she's going on two-months-old already.

Until now, fans of the show didn't get a chance to chat to her about the baby. However, now she took to Instagram to share some photos, fans can, at last, extend their congratulations to the couple. Plus, she spoke to People about it. That's a nice touch, as it gives us a few more insights into how it's all going with them.

People mag reported that "life has “been really really good” since welcoming her baby girl." However, as we saw in the series, some drama and chaos did ensue. Speaking of her c-section, Porsha told People, "a lot of people think that c-sections are easy — an easier way to give birth. But I assure you, it is full, serious surgery.

It was difficult!” She added, "Even recovery — healing from the cut and taking care of a newborn while being on pain medication and dealing with your body’s shock of having just had a baby [is hard].”

Porsha Willaims hard time with the new baby sees her in a better place now

Fans of "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" will be happy to hear that Porsha's "doing pretty good now." However, for a while there, "it was just a lot." Added to that, she struggled with breastfeeding and that really presented the "hardest part" of being a new mother.

Think she'd just do the easy thing with formula never prepared her for not actually being able to breastfeed. Porsha explained to People, " once she got here and you’re looking at your daughter, you want to give her the world.”

However, despite her struggles, Porsha got a lot of support from her friends. Of course, fiancé Dennis McKinley also helped her feel better about it all.

Now, it looks like most of those issues stay in the past and Porsha moved along. Full of love for her little girl, she obviously felt ready to share photos of her precious daughter with fans of the show.

Pics of the baby posted on Porsha Williams' Instagram

Over on Instagram, Porsha shared to pictures of her baby with "The Real Housewives of Atlanta: Porsha's Having a Baby" fans. Plus, as an added treat, on Mother's day, she shared a daughter mommy greeting. It's Porsha's first Mother's Day as a parent, after all. The first picture showed Pilar Jhena looking so cute, fast asleep and cuddled up to Dennis McKinley. Her little Black and white outfit is so gorgeous! Porsha captioned it with, "My heart is so full!"

The second photo showed her lying on her back, dressed in a little while outfit, white mittens, and a white head cover.

You can see Porsha's hands touching her daughter. This one, she captioned with, "My heart out of my body! My entire life has been made!

The final photo, which is the one for Mother's Day showed a letter. It looks like this was a Mother's Day gift from Dennis McKinley perhaps. It's a beautiful scroll that sends Porsha love from her baby girl. Porsha captioned it with, "[she] has me wrapped around her whittle finger. Thank you baby girl I love this scroll."

Fans react to Porsha's photos of the newest addition to the 'Real Housewives of Atlanta'

Of course, fans loved seeing these lovely photos and they reacted to them. Here's what some of them said about it:

  • @Its**: "So happy for you Porsha you out of all deserve this kind of love and happiness, God bless your family!"
  • @Brigg**: "Really sweet. Love you and Dennis."
  • @jea**: "She is adorable. She looks just like her daddy!"
  • @Thi**: "Now that’s how you make a newborn look dress up already she’s beautiful she also looks like your sister."

What do you think of the first official photos of Porsha Williams' baby girl Pilar Jhena?

Do think she's too cute? Oh, and by the way, this little girl got an Instagram account, where you can see a few of her earlier pics, @pilarjhena.

Remember to follow the Reality TV Channel for more news about "The Real Housewives of Atlanta."