Since moving in with her father Jon Gosselin, Hannah appears to enjoy their time spent together during their outings. The most recent event for the father and daughter was spent cheering for their favorite football team, the Philadelphia Eagles. Jon posted a new photo with his teen daughter on his Instagram account on September 6. They seem truly happy.

The same day that Jon shared his photo with fans and followers, his ex-wife Kate Gosselin was not to be outdone.

She also posted a photo on her Instagram account. Her picture, however, is more introspective. The photo of a butterfly on leaves is captioned: “Life can be really stressful,” but Kate stated that she is in no hurry. She is “stopping to admire the beautiful things and the beautiful people (and pets!!!).”

Kate Gosselin’s Instagram photo evokes advice and criticism

While Jon’s photo was met with supportive messages, Kate’s butterfly image evoked criticism from Instagram user @yoloholo789, noting: “You’re not a bad mother. But you must recognize that you’ve failed Collin.”

Collin is one of the Gosselin sextuplets.

He does not live with either his mother or father. Collin lives away from home due to some anger issues that Kate previously disclosed to the media, without respect for her son’s age and possible desire to not have aspects of his life in the public sphere, subject to speculation and discussion.

Another Instagram user was not quite as harsh toward Kate. The person (using the handle @coupnsrlife_) pointed out that the Gosselins’ children “are butterflies that soon will fly. Learn to appreciate them,” adding that her children “are not yours to keep.”

Jon and Hannah root for their favorite football team

The photo of Jon and Hannah was embraced by his followers. The dad and daughter are cheering for the Philadelphia Eagles, with both dressed in team apparel.

The day that Jon shared the photo, the Eagles played the Atlanta Falcons, with the Eagles winning 18-12. Jon captioned his selfie taken with Hannah: “We re Back!!! GO BIRDS !!!”

Gosselin children could be adults before custody decision

Jon, who is 41, currently works as a DJ, according to Radar Online. He has been involved in a contentious custody battle with Kate, which many thought led to Hannah's Instagram account being shut down in August. To help fund the cost of legal fees, In Touch Weekly reported that his girlfriend Colleen Conrad established a GoFundMe campaign in 2017. The goal is to raise $30,000.

After a judge ruled in favor of Hannah living with Jon in April, Kate wanted the order reversed, but had no such luck, according to Radar.

The “court denied” her appeal in May. Hannah ditched living with Kate in favor of moving in with Jon.

The custody of the Gosselins’ eight children is still in progress. Their older twin daughters, Mady and Cara, could very well be 18 by the time any decision affecting their custody is decided. At that point, all their bitterness about custody that spilled into the public fray would be moot.

The Gosselins' custody fight has been an ongoing battle since their 2009 divorce, In Touch pointed out. Kate has had their children living with her throughout most of the past 10 years. When fans saw Jon’s most recent photo on his Instagram account, some remarked that they are hopeful he may also be awarded custody of Collin. Instagram user @mcarole5 stated: “Divorced parents need to remember that the children are the #1 priority! Stop the fighting!”

Be sure to follow Blasting News for the latest Gosselin updates.