Without all the drama that makes up "Teen Mom 2," would the fans tune in? Would folks want to watch the cast of any of the Teen Mom series if they just fed and washed their babies while they calmly hummed a lullaby to their little ones? Fans aren't tuning in to watch a show where people are civil and treat one another with an abundance of manners these days, they want drama.
The entertainment value on a show like "Teen Mom 2" hinges upon the drama the ladies provide and probably wouldn't last long in the channel's weekly lineup if everyone acted constantly cordial to one another.
Drama pays off
With that said, fans tune in week after week to watch the drama as it bubbles up beneath the surface from these moms who know all too well how to degrade, belittle, and scream at their castmates. Whatever it is at the root of this drama, it is this constant friction that seems to make this show a TV destination through all the years the shows have graced the screen. One thing is for sure... these women are paid very well to do this, so it wouldn't be worth their while to suddenly become civil. While the Teen Mom series has become successful for both MTV and the cast members, there is one teen mom who has taken her fame and earned millions of dollars. In Touch Weekly teases who that would be?
The very wealthy "Teen Mom" alum's name is found below.
Behind the scenes drama
So just what do these ladies rake in for this drama they spin each week so the folks at home get their weekly dose of unbridled rage? According to Money and Career Cheat Sheet, the drama behind the scenes can get just as heated. Recently, the amount of salary offered to one of the "Teen Mom" stars ruffled some feathers when compared to what the others earned.
When Briana joined as a newcomer to the show she was offered a salary of $20,000 for her "debut season-long appearance." Some of the veteran stars of the show got their dander up. They thought it was too much in comparison to their debut pay on "Teen Mom."
MTV stood by their wage offer by telling the stars that Briana's salary is about the same amount of wages earned by the tenured Celebrities while working on their second season years back.
Maci and Amber
According to Cheat Sheet, Maci Bookout is one of MTV's "most beloved reality stars" and she makes close to half a million dollars "to film her daily life in Chattanooga Tennessee." Amber Portwood's salary reveal came from a court case where she needed to disclose how much she made. Back in 2011 that was $140,000 per season or $280,000 per year. It is assumed she is making as much today as her veteran co-stars rake in, which is somewhere between $250,000 and $500,000 per year, according to Cheat Sheet.
Kailyn and Jennelle
Kailyn Lowry earns $300,000 per season to let the cameras come into her home and film her household, which consists of three kids. Jennelle Evans reportedly makes about the same as Kailyn.
These ladies have other ventures going as well, that help pad their net worth, so it is up and over their MTV salaries. That includes podcasts, books, and putting their names on merchandise.
Leah and Chelsea
While Leah Messer makes about the same as her castmates, she is considered the "quiet teen mom." She hasn't ventured into any avenues like the rest of the teen moms to help add to her fortune. According to the media site, she hasn't taken on extras like writing a book or putting her name on merchandise.
Chelsea Houska reportedly worked her way up to $300,000 "for season 8 and beyond," cites Cheat Sheet. The men on the show also make some good money, but this is one show where the women make way more than the men.
Millionaire status?
One former "Teen Mom" has amassed a fortune said to be somewhere between $3 million and $6 million. That would be Farrah Abraham. Her other appearances on Reality TV shows, like "Couple's Therapy," "Single AF" along with her days on "Teen Mom" earned her some good pay.
While "Teen Mom" made her famous, that fame awarded Farrah so much more. Her popularity on the reality circuit gave Farrah great exposer for marketing her merchandise, which is where a good portion of her earnings sprouted from. This teen mom turned into a millionaire mom.
How about the men?
Adam Lind made $200,000 when he filmed Season 6, but he has since left the show. Boyfriends of the ladies have earned as little as $250 plus an expense-paid trip to the filming of a reunion show, which is what MTV offered Simon for a trip out to the reunion of Season 6.
Too Panda reports that when Simon was offered the paid trip it was nothing that enthused him. He is not like the typical "Teen Mom" boyfriend. Simon is a successful real estate agent and he flips houses, according to the website. While $250 might look good to some of the unemployed teen boyfriends that have graced the show from time to time, it didn't appear to float Simon's boat financially.
The ladies also enjoy many perks when they leave home for a "Teen Mom" reunion show after a season wraps up. Those perks include having all their expenses paid, like meals and lodging. MTV picks up the tab for their entire trip.