Tomi Lahren has been on of the strongest supporters of Donald Trump, including his stance on immigration reform. After Lahren's family history was uncovered and found to include many undocumented immigrants, the Fox News commentator responded back on social media.

Lahren's family tree

Donald Trump kicked off his presidential campaign in the summer of 2015 and quickly made headlines after he made a point to insult illegal immigrants from Mexico.

Since that moment, Trump has pushed immigration reform as one of his top priorities, including the possibility of mass deportation and the construction of a southern border wall that he claims will be funded by Mexico. Fast forward to earlier this month when Chief of Staff John Kelly accused undocumented immigrants of refusing to assimilate into the United States. This sentiment was echoed by Tomi Lahren, who has doubled down on the immigration issue on a routine basis.

Over the weekend, researcher and author Jennifer Mendelsohn revealed Tomi Lahren's family tree, going back over a century to look at census records and found that several of her family members came to America and were undocumented, with some not even learning to speak English.

In a tweet sent out on May 14, Lahren lashed out in her defense. "You stalked my family history as a part of your Resistance Genealogy and that’s all you got, babe?" Lahren said of Mendelsohn. "I’ll discuss tomorrow morning on "Fox and Friends," she added. Not long after tweet, Lahren received expected criticism.

Twitter reacts

After Tomi Lahren responded to the revelations in her family history, social media quickly went viral. "Stalking? After your years long obsession with Hillary you shouldn't talk about stalking," one tweet read.

"Researched. I think the word you’re looking for is researched, toenail," NBA player Lane Adams wrote. "Stalked your family history? You don’t get to play victim with public records.

Do you deny it?" another tweet asked. "You waited hours and hours and stalling is all you have for a response babe?" an additional tweet wondered.

"You got dunked on so hard you should probably delete your account. Bringing attention to it is a bold strategy," a social media user wrote. "You're so cute when you've been caught being a hypocrite. Absolutely adorable," a follow-up tweet read. The mockery of Tomi Lahren continued as the Fox News commentator looks to elaborate further during her next network appearance.