Jenelle Evans is in an impossible spot. Her husband, David Eason, was recently fired from “Teen Mom 2” and the network cut all ties with him. While she isn't necessarily tied into what he said, they come as a package deal for the most part. Evans can do bad all by herself, but mixed with Eason, she had caught a lot of backlash. While it is uncertain what MTV will decide to do with Jenelle in relation to what David posted on Twitter, there is already speculation surrounding what she will do.

Fight to stay on 'Teen Mom 2'

There is a possibility Jenelle Evans could continue filming the reality show.

That is contingent on MTV allowing her to finish up the last six weeks that need to be filmed. A crew was pulled from her property when David Eason was fired, and they have yet to be back. With a house and property, the reality star needs to have income flow. Without “Teen Mom 2,” Evans would have to fall back on her Medical Assistant training. The money from the network has padded her lifestyle.

Aside from the luxuries the show has afforded Jenelle Evans, she is still dealing with custody issues. She will need the money to fight her mother for Jace, and Nathan Griffith and his mother, Doris, over Kaiser. The legal battles are far from over. Having a medical assistant job won't cover what the lawyers will want.

Standing firm with David

The other option for Jenelle Evans is to walk away from “Teen Mom 2” and MTV completely. There have been rumors that she intends to stand by her man, despite the cost. If she doesn't support David Eason, her marriage could crumble. The two share a daughter, and the battles will just keep coming. Rumors in the past have strongly suggested that Eason may have been physical with Evans at times.

“Teen Mom 2” cameras caught portions of arguments, and it didn't look good. Jenelle has denied that David ever abused her.

At this point, Jenelle Evans' decision is yet to be made. MTV is still deciding what to do with her, which includes whether or not to fire her. If they continue filming “Teen Mom 2,” her storyline will be lacking.

David Eason will no longer be filmed, and since he lives in the same house, there will be limited interactions available. Of course, there will still be Barbara Evans and Jace, so Jenelle could be filmed with those interactions. There is still a lot to be figured out, but at this point, fans believe she will end up off the show to support her husband and their family.