There has been a lot going on this past week with Derick Dillard and Jazz Jennings. TLC decided to cut ties with Derick and kick him off the network. They won't be showing him at all in upcoming episodes of "Counting On." Now Jazz is speaking out against Derick, but she is taking the high road. She barely said anything negative, but you can tell that the transgender teen is also letting her thoughts be heard. Jazz has always done a great job of being classy about how she speaks out about things and not letting her emotions take over when she speaks.
What did Jazz have to say to him?
On Saturday, Jazz went to her Twitter and said, "In the face of constant ignorance and hatred I prefer to disregard negative opinions and continue moving forward with love.” It sounds like a response to Derick Dillard, but she isn't mentioning his name at all. Instead, she is just saying her thoughts, but you can tell that it is meant toward Derick. The fans are pretty proud of her for taking the high road and not being a jerk about it all. This is a pretty mature comment coming from a young girl.
Now because of what Derick has done, he has lost his show "Counting On" and won't be on television at all. This is the only job that Derick has and the only paycheck that he has coming in as well.
He is always asking fans for money to help with his missions. Derick used to have a real job, but he hasn't been working in a really long time. Without the paycheck from "Counting On," he is going to have a little trouble taking care of his wife and two children.
Derick Dillard just can't stop
The thing is Derick Dillard just can't stop and won't let it go.
A while ago he said some hateful things about Jazz Jennings on Twitter and fans thought that might be the end of it. Then he went on to say even more things about her this week. Derick probably already knew that TLC had cut ties with him when they said these things, but the fans didn't know about it yet.
Derick has said several things about her, but one of them was "Transgender’ is a myth.
Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.” If he had simply just said this one thing, then that might be different, but he hasn't stopped. Derick has made sure to make sure everyone knows that he doesn't like Jazz or agree with the way her family does things at all.
Are you shocked to hear what Jazz Jennings is saying back to Derick Dillard? Do you think that these two will ever work through their issues? Sound off in the comments below on your thoughts.