O.J Simpson was arrested nearly a decade ago and has recently been freed from prison. The former NFL star has a controversial past as he was put on trial for the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown. However, the courts did not find him guilty at the time, His reputation was tainted by the trial and continues to haunt him.
Simpson has officially left prison
According to CNN News, O.J Simpson has been released from prison after spending nearly a decade behind bars. Simpson was arrested back in 2007 for armed robbery and assault. He entered a hotel room in Los Angeles and claimed that the individuals inside had some of his property.
In a report by Abc News, during Simpson's trial, he stated that he only wanted to get his property back. However, the judge did not agree that this claim was enough to prevent jail time and Simpson was given his sentence. Over the years, Simpson has had several parole hearings and has been denied each time.
However, in his parole hearing this year 2017, Simpson was finally granted his parole. The convict was shocked that he finally got the answer that he had been fighting for. The parole hearing was widely broadcast.
An official statement has been released
According to CNN News, an official statement of Simpson's release has been released by a spokesperson for Nevada Department Of Corrections. The individual stated that she told Simpson not to come back to prison and stated that Simpson replied that he would not.
She confirmed that Simpson's demeanor was very positive and that he was extremely happy to finally be free.
In a report by ABC News, the Department of Corrections had expressed their concerns when releasing Simpson from prison. They stated that Simpson was released at midnight in an attempt to avoid a media frenzy. They stated that Simpson did not want to be photographed and immediately put his head down once he exited the building.
Simpson's release comes with certain conditions and if he does not meet them, he will be returned to prison. Simpson is not allowed to consume alcohol and he is not allowed to hang around with ex-convicts. The Department claimed that they have added these measures in order to protect Simpson. They are concerned about the ex-prisoner's safety and have advised him to be cautious during the first months of his release.
O.J Simpson has not released a statement about his release from prison. He previously claimed that he wants to spend the remainder of his life surrounded by both family and friends.