The seventh season of “Game of Thrones” was packed with amazing performances from the actors and great scenes. Some of these scenes are the final moments of Olenna Tyrell, the secret meeting of Tyrion and Jaime Lannister and Theon Greyjoy’s resolve to rescue Yara from their Uncle Euron.
Season 7 consists of 7 episodes only, but the last two episodes of the season were 70 and 80 minutes long – the longest episode run time in “Game of Thrones” history.
Despite all of that, some scenes didn't make the final cut. Here are some of the Deleted Scenes from Season 7.
Tormund and Brienne
It was love at first sight when Tormund Giantsbane first saw Brienne of Tarth in “Book of the Stranger” (S06E04). Sansa arrived at Castle Black, escorted by Brienne and Podrick, and Tormund who was there saw her come in. Since then, his gentler and softer side is always present whenever she is around.
In “Dragonstone” (S07E01), Brienne was giving Podrick sword-fighting lessons in Winterfell. She saw Tormund smiling and walking towards them, so she shoves Podrick to the ground – Tormund told him that he is a lucky man.
Then the scene shifted to Sansa and Littlefinger who were on the balcony watching them. But clips of the scene showed them, and it seemed like they were talking.
Jeremy Podeswa, the episode’s director, revealed in an interview with Insider, that Tormund and Brienne were having a conversation about his relationship with Sheila, the Bear. Sheila the Bear was first mentioned by Tormund in Season 4 when he was talking to Ygritte. No one knows who Sheila the Bear is, but people assume that she is a warrior from Bear Island.
That wasn’t the last time Sheila was used as a reference in Season 7. In “Beyond the Wall,” Jon’s group was attacked by a wight-polar bear. Tormund actor, Kristofer Hivju, revealed to HBO that when they were shooting the scene, he and the other cast members joked that Sheila had turned.
Tormund’s line in the episode where he says “I’ve danced with plenty of bears” was also cut from the final episode.
Ghost and Jon
In “Dragonstone,” Arya was reunited with Nymeria. She invited her direwolf to come home to Winterfell with her, but Nymeria left with her pack. “Game of Thrones” producer and writer Bryan Cogman revealed on Twitter that there was supposed to be another direwolf in the show. The tweet said that they shot a Jon and Ghost scene but sadly didn't make the final episode.
At the end of the episode, Jon was headed to Dragonstone to meet with Daenerys. People can only assume that the deleted scene would feature Jon bidding Ghost goodbye before leaving. Ghost has always been by Jon’s side – even North of the Wall and when he died.
The direwolf last appeared in “Oathbreaker” (S06E04) and hadn't been seen since. Fans are worried where Ghost is, especially since he and Nymeria are the only Stark direwolves still alive.
Sansa and Bran
Bran Stark actor, Isaac Hempstead-Wright, revealed to HuffPost that he and Sophie Turner (Sansa) shot a scene that didn’t make the final episode. In “The Dragon and the Wolf,” the three Stark children worked together against Littlefinger, which led to his demise. Some fans are questioning why they were working together all of a sudden.
According to Isaac, in the deleted scene, Sansa came to Bran to check the facts before she takes Arya out. Bran used his Three-eyed Raven powers to check if Arya is plotting against her sister - as Littlefinger suggests.
The scene revealed that there really is tension between the Stark sisters and that they weren’t working together against Littlefinger the entire time.
The Stark siblings have concluded that Littlefinger was tearing them apart from each other. Littlefinger must have miscalculated his plan and forgot about Bran’s powers.