The "Dance Moms" drama does not seem to end and it will probably never get done with. With the second part of the “Out with Abby, In with Chloe” episode, we will see chloe lukasiak’s mom, Christi, express her anger in front of the other moms.
Chloe Lukasiak unhappy with how ‘Dance Moms’ is going?
Well, perhaps outrage in the episode is not a new thing but this time, even Christi Lukasiak does not seem impressed at what she did. Although there is a good reason for her to get mad sometimes as she had to deal with many issues aimed at her, she still regrets it and said, “I have not screamed at anyone in three years...
Here I am, three seconds in, and I’m like a raging maniac," Life & Style reported.
Thankfully, her daughter was present to calm her mother before performing another routine and this is why we can be sure that there will always be more in every "Dance Moms" episode.
The bond between Chloe and Christi is interesting because we could see a daughter giving her mother a pep talk and it is refreshing to see scenes like that, especially in a show that revolves around being competitive.
New coaches impress moms in ‘Dance Moms’
Now that Abby Lee Miller is not on the Lukasiaks’ way and new coaches are impressing the moms with their techniques that are less stressful than Miller's, Chloe might just get the spotlight she wanted for a long time.
There are definitely many young dancers like Lukasiak who are so talented and good when it comes to performing various routines but under Miller’s watch, it is understandable why some of them prefer to follow other coaches.
When the 16-year-old dancer was confirmed to be coming back to the show after she left because of such strenuous experiences with Miller, she admitted that it made her happy.
The dancer did not really have too much to say about Miller except about the fear that she instilled in her students. They can freely express their thoughts now which is not something they were able to do before.
“I think I was meant to have that good and bad experience to learn and grow from it,” she said adding that it evolved her into someone with a thick skin to survive in an industry that can be harsher than Miller at times.
Now that Miller is out of the hit TV series, moms in the new season of "Dance Moms" seem to be happier with the show. Still, it would interesting to know if Chloe might consider patching things up with Miller after her one year and one day sentence.
For now, "Dance Moms" will keep on bringing in their guest coaches and the moms will definitely pick a favorite sooner or later.