"Big Brother 19" fans, the Head of Household was held, and Christmas is the reigning HOH. Last time she was in charge she promised big moves. The biggest move she made was upstairs to the HOH bed. She was Paul's puppet and targeted Mark exactly as Paul said. Will she finally throw out the kool-aide and play her own game?
The following will contain "Big Brother 19" spoilers. If you don't want to know what may make the editorial cut, stop reading now.
As always, there is a plan in place. It is time to split up Jalex. Paul planned it last week. To get Christmas the HOH, so he can play next week, and let her nominate the opposing duo.
Of course, Kevin is supposed to be the backdoor plan. The real goal, at least when they discussed it last week, was to get either Jason or Alex to the Jury House. That switched every few hours, to go with the backdoor plan to evict Kevin. Considering their Final Four plan is Paul, Christmas, Josh, and Raven they would consider it a successful week if any of the other three go to the Jury House.
Kevin knows to watch his back
Kevin has a foreboding feeling and has already begun seeking answers and support from Christmas and Paul. Both reassure him that he is fine but "Big Brother 19" fans know that Kevin is nothing but cool until his butt is on fire like it could be right now. He has a sixth sense that kicks in, and it is on overload now.
Christmas and Josh have been discussing a strategy for today. They have decided that keeping things quiet until the nominations are done is the way to go. The Tree of Temptation will go into play before the meeting. If no one knows what is coming, they won't know if they should roll the dice with an apple or not.
Are any apples getting picked?
As Christmas has her sights set on getting Jason out of the "Big Brother 19" house this week, she plans to attach herself to Alex. She will tell Jason's partner that he is too strong of a competitor and had to go, claiming she targetted him because she knew Alex couldn't be able to.
Apparently, "Big Brother" isn't happy with the lack of enthusiasm the houseguest have for the Tree of Temptation.
After the feeds went down for a bit, the houseguests were discussing the situation. Alex was telling Christmas that if Kevin did take an apple, it might give her HOH an advantage. There is no reason to worry about a second Veto either because they outnumber him. Could all of this be an attempt to draw some attention away from her partner, Jason?