"Big Brother 19" fans know the actual Power of Veto competition is actually held on Saturdays. This week it seems the houseguests had a visitor to host the competition and help Josh cheer them on from the sidelines. Bobby Moynihan, who you may know from "Saturday Night Live," was the surprise celebrity. You may remember him as the hilarious drunk uncle on the hit comedy show.

After the POV, Jason told the cameras that this was potentially the coolest comp of the season. And apparently, Bobby took advantage of his time with the "Big Brother19" houseguests to discuss how the season was going. He whispered to some of them that this was one of the best seasons. Rumor has it that Bobby is a big fan of the show and has watched for years.

Houseguests wonder about Finale date

During the competition, he did plug his new show,"Me, Myself and I." It is set to premiere on September 25, also on CBS. This led Jason and Alex to wonder about the finale of "Big Brother 19." Jason and Kevin had already been wondering about it and had estimated it would be around September 23.

The official finale is set to air on September 20, so the two houseguests weren't far off.

As for the results of the Power of Veto competition, Paul took the win. He had discussed with Christmas making sure he got it so that Alex and Jason would not have the power to save themselves. The nominees still think there is a backdoor plan in place to send Kevin to the Jury House. As always in "Big Brother," things can change quickly.

The real plan for the week is a repeat of what happened to Maven last week -- almost. While Jason decided to leave them both on the block and not nominate Kevin last week, this week Paul will take a different route with the same outcome. The grand plan is to have Paul use the POV to save Alex, and Christmas will put Kevin on the block.

This will be the first time all season Kevin has actually faced eviction head on. During the live eviction, Jason will be the one evicted from the "Big Brother 19" house. Paul is already working on Jason to convince him it is for the best to put Kevin on the block next to him rather than Alex. Paul explained to Jason that this way Kevin won't bug him all week for a vote.

Josh thinks for himself, then puppet Christmas speaks

Josh finally gains some clarity and began to question Paul's real intentions in the "Big Brother 19" house. He sees that Paul is actually doing what is right for him, and protecting those he needs. Maybe Paul doesn't have his best interests at heart, just as it is rumored that production had told him. When he went to his partner Christmas to discuss this, she quickly got him reeled back in. She explained it all away and encouraged him to talk to Paul because he explained it all to her so clearly.