"Game of Thrones" has become one of the most popular series on television and it has recently been revealed that fans are buying Huskies as they resemble the shows Direwolves. Actor Peter Dinklage has been working alongside the organization PETA to try to stop this impulse buying as many of the dogs are being abandoned at shelters. Both he and PETA have released statements about the situation.

Fans of "Game Of Thrones" are buying Huskies because they look like Direwolves

According to the Hollywood Reporter, fans of the hit HBO TV series "Game Of Thrones" has been buying husky dogs because they are the breed that most closely resembles the Direwolves on the show. The Direwolves have featured since season 1 of the series but are fictional creatures created by author George R. Martin.

Fans have been purchasing Huskies as they believe that they resemble the wolves, which belong to fan favorite characters, the Stark family. The wolves are easily identified as heroic and loyal to their owners, and it is clear that fans have gotten a bit carried away with their desire to have a Direwolf of their own.

Actor Peter Dinklage has since come forward and asked the public to stop impulse buying the animals. He stated that all dog owners should be prepared for the responsibility and should adopt from a shelter.

PETA has released a statement about the terrible situation

According to Jezebel, PETA has released a statement about fans of the hit TV series "Game Of Thrones" adopting Huskies and then abandoning them. They stated that fans of the show are buying these dogs from pet stores and breeders and naming them after their favorite characters in the show.

They stated that the fans do not realize how much work is involved in rearing a breed such as a Husky as they require huge amounts of exercise and interaction.

According to PETA, once people discover just how much work they have to put in, they are no longer interested in raising the dogs and are leaving them at shelters, which are already filled with homeless dogs.

"Game Of Thrones" actor Peter Dinklage has come forward and asked fans of the show to stop buying the animals if they intend to give them up. He stated that by abandoning the Huskies at the shelters, people are hurting the dogs who have been waiting years for homes. He explained that fans should not be buying animals based on a whim or simply because they look like the Direwolves in the show.

PETA has explained that this kind of purchasing has occurred in the past when such movies as "101 Dalmatians" and "Legally Blonde" were released. Dinklage hopes that by speaking out fans of the show will stop this impulse buying and that the Huskies can instead go to a loving home who are prepared to meet their needs.