One of HBO's thriller series, "Westworld," debuted its trailer in the recently held 2017 San Diego Comic-Con. The series which features an alternate reality where the humans enter a world of robots to fulfill their fantasies and other secret plans was considered to be a success in its first season run. That said, HBO executives wasted no time and gave the green light for "Westworld" season 2. Based on the new trailer, the upcoming season will see the beginning of the uprising of the robots. The trailer also shows a lot of damage and carnage, giving the viewers an idea that there's going to be a lot of chaos and trouble in the next season.
"Westworld" Season 2 air date remains to be announced but will happen sometime around 2018. The creators of the series, Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan shared that they are taking the time to craft and produce season 2 because the HBO executives themselves have told them to pull out all the stops to ensure the success of the ambitious project.
The massacre aftermath
The finale in season 1 has already prepared the stage for what seems to be a robot uprising. "Westworld" season 2 can be considered to be the main stage for the massacre aftermath, and it coincides with the carnage spread all around the newly released trailer. Morbid as it may sound, more deaths are expected in season 2, and it might even involve the life of one of the main characters.
What makes "Westworld" different from the other TV series in the HBO roster is its mixture of a western-theme and sci-fi elements. It is quite a novelty among the viewers and the exquisitely twisted plot has hooked a wide demographic of viewers. To say that season 2 is going to be bloody is an understatement, as the trailer itself has already revealed an eerily bloody yet calm setting.
Fighting the humanoids
At the beginning of the series, the characters are depicted enjoying the perks of having humanoids at their disposal, ready at their beck and call. However, things get twisted when the humanoids begin to seem to get minds of their own and start an uprising against the humans. The fight to live and survive begins and the competition gets tougher.
Each side must defend themselves to survive and emerge as the better species. In the trailer, Dolores is seen riding a horse while aiming a gun at some fleeing robots. Meanwhile, Bernard is seen staring at a dead tiger and later on participates in giving assistance to the Westworld security during their host-hunting mission.