"Big Brother 19" has been full of drama since the beginning. This season has been up and down, with more unstable moments than most fans can remember. From Josh's outbursts to Cody lashing out, the dull moments are few and far in between. Last week was a game changer with Cody winning the battle back. Jessica was HOH (Head of Household) and managed to keep her showmance safe. Now, "Jody" has been nominated for eviction by Paul (the current HOH) and the house is falling apart.
Chaos erupts
Things were tense in the house today. Paul won HOH last night and decided to nominate both Cody and Jessica.
It was revealed that Jessica had the power, and it will halt the eviction this week. The house has no idea what her power is, but Cody and Jessica are apparently acting up because of it. According to Joker's Updates, there is plenty of action happening n the "Big Brother" house tonight. Paul was dropping several "F" bombs and unleashed Josh acting crazy.
At this current moment, Josh is running around the house banging on pots and pans. The live feeds have gone to fish several times. Most of the houseguests are participating in the shenanigans, even Alex and Jason. Christmas is cheering Josh on, while Jessica and Cody are getting irritated. This is a crazy mix, especially given how "Jody" feels about Josh remaining in the house.
Physical altercation
In the midst of all of the "Big Brother 19" Chaos, Mark and Josh got into it again. These two have been loose cannons and tonight, their confrontation appeared to turn physical. There is some concern that Mark could be ejected as he has not returned from the Diary Room. Josh is currently still in the game as he has not crossed the line.
Mark has been accused of being a flip-flopper tonight, so he was already upset. This could be game-changing if there is an ejection.
With all of the things that have happened this season, this could be one of the most memorable seasons of "Big Brother" yet. The beginning was plagued with loss and injuries. Christmas essentially lost her career because of the injury she sustained.
There was the self-eviction from Meghan in the beginning. Now, the houseguests are almost on their way to the Jury House, and no one can even get along.
Tonight's chaos will be marked going forward, and there is some hope that some of it will appear on the taped shows next week. The hex will likely be used on Thursday, and it will change the entire course of the game.