Tom Cruise appears to have zero interest in being a father to his 11-year-old daughter Suri Cruise. Currently, it has been close to 1,400 days and counting since Tom last saw his daughter according to In Touch reports.

Tom Cruise nearing 4-years since he last saw Suri.

Nearing four years since Tom Cruise has made any effort to visit with his only child with ex-wife "Dawson's Creek" star Katie Holmes, fans continue to wonder just what Tom's issue is with Suri?

Many fans over the years have voiced their opinions of Tom Cruise's neglect of Suri. Now that Suri is 11-years-old and entering the tween years, Tom may soon be out of luck hoping ever to form a relationship with Suri after letting so much time pass between them.

Is there more to Tom Cruise's excuses than being revealed?

It s no secret that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorce was a nasty one. Katie is said to have blindsided Tom with the divorce, not only hurting him but, publicly humiliating him. Katie has been upfront when discussing her reasons for deciding to end her marriage to the "Risky Business" star, revealing that she could not handle Tom's strong Scientology beliefs forcefully shoved at her and Suri.

This still does not quite explain why it is that Tom Cruise has stayed estranged from Suri all of these years. It has been made clear that Tom and Katie have no contact with each other, and any business or discussion concerning Suri will take place strictly through an assigned third party. Over the years Tom has been confronted by the media, asking questions about Suri and why he has not a part of her life. Cruise has always managed to sway the conversations in another direction and add that his grueling and demanding filming schedule is responsible.

In the past, according to In Touch, sources close to Tom Cruise have revealed to them that he had stayed away from Suri because of Katie and planned on attempting to rekindle their relationship once Suri was in college and away from Katie's influence.

However, by then it may turn out to be a wasted effort should Tom approach Suri about a relationship. It is, at least, another seven years until college for Suri and adding in the four previous years; the then adult Suri Cruise may have formed her own opinion of her celebrity absentee father. As far as Suri missing out on male role models in life, it has been rumored for some time now that Katie Holmes has been involved in a romantic relationship with actor Jamie Foxx, though both parties have continued to deny the rumors.

What are your thoughts on Tom Cruise's non-existent relationship with Suri Cruise? Is it too late now?