Happy Friday, "Young And The Restless" fans. According to Soaps.com, Y&R fans will to see Sharon will try to get Nick to give up the truth in one of the June 19 to June 23 episodes. There's also going to be a serious conversation about someone's emotional well-being. Cane will show much displeasure over something Jordan did. Gloria is going to get a new assignment and more.

Confidence levels

In the Monday, June 19 episode, we're going to see a situation that features Victoria not feeling so great about her confidence levels. Spoilers reveal that she's going to wish she felt more confident. Why is she feeling this lack of confidence? Will she be able to get it at some point? Those are the big questions for this storyline.

Emotional well-being

Next, we're going to see Phyllis in action with Billy. They will busy engaging in a very serious conversation that involves the emotional well-being of Billy's ex-wife. Will any solutions result from this conversation? Or will it just consist of chit chat to pass the time?

It's certainly going to be interesting to see what will result from this exchange of words.

Elsewhere, we're going to see Ashley express to someone that she desires to have a fresh start with Graham. Will she get what she wants? Or will this just continue to remain an unfulfilled desire? We're going to have to tune in to find out because that's all the intel they gave us for that situation.

Not pleased about Jordan

To wrap up the Monday teasers, Soaps.com's spoilers reveal there will be a moment where Cane is going to reveal that he is not pleased about Jordan sharing an embrace with Lily. That storyline definitely sounds like it could turn out to be pretty dramatic.

Only one spoiler has been revealed about the June 20 episode – it's going to involve Jack and Gloria.

Apparently, Jack is going to have a new assignment that he wants to give her. What will this assignment entail? Will Gloria accept it? Those are the questions we'll be looking to see get answered in this episode.

Caught in a lie

Unfortunately, as of this writing, Soaps.com says that the storylines for the June 21 episode are still waiting to be determined. However, they did reveal some extra spoiler scoops. These teasers may be in the Wednesday episode. We're not sure. They will definitely be in one of this week's episodes. The first one says that Cane is going to get caught in a lie during his testimony. Secondly, Nikki's MS is going to flare up at some point.

There's going to be a situation where Nikki totally gets caught redhanded by Sharon just as she's about to take a drink.

Nikki is also going to admit something to Sharon.

A different light

The June 22 episode is going to offer up a scene with Hilary and Jordan. Spoilers indicate that Jordan is going to start looking at her in a different light. Then to wrap up things, the June 23 episode is going to show us the big scene where Sharon puts Nick on the spot by demanding he tells her what the truth really is. Will he give her the truth? We're going to have to tune in to find out that important information. Stay tuned.