Recently, one of Netflix's hit drama shows, "House Of Cards," took a major hit due to some scandalous news reports regarding one of its main stars. Then in the midst of all that scandalous news, the show announced the worst news of all.
It's canceled
The worst news is that the show has actually been canceled. The upcoming season 6 will be the last one. The TV Line news team reported the story. They said the cancellation was announced less than 24 hours after some major scandal news was reported about one of the main stars of the show Kevin Spacey.
Kevin portrays character Francis Underwood in the series.
Anthony Rapp harassment accusations
The report revealed that actor Anthony Rapp accused Spacey of making sexual advances towards him when he was just 14 years old. TV Line did point out that a couple of their sources confirmed that the show's cancellation was not due to the scandal allegations. It was actually made months ago.
Just when things seemingly couldn't get any worse, TV Line revealed more bad news for the final season 6 production. It turns out that the show had to fire Kevin Spacey in light of the sexual harassment allegations. Netflix released a statement that said, bluntly, that they didn't want to have anything to do with any production that includes Kevin.
They went on to say they will continue to work with MRC (Media Rights Capital) during this time to evaluate how they will go forward with the sixth season.
Kevin James petition
In a different report from the Huffington Post, there's a petition that's being circulated to replace Spacey with actor Kevin James. According to, 28,000 people have already signed the petition.
So, if Kevin James isn't doing anything at the moment, it looks like he could get it if this petition holds any kind of merit.
If all these reports weren't enough to make a "house of cards" fan faint, this next one will. TV Line also reported that the production for the upcoming sixth season has been suspended "indefinitely." Netflix and MRC released a joint statement in regards to the production shutdown.
They stated that they have decided to suspend the production to review and address any concerns that the cast and crew may have at the moment.
Toxic work environment
That report was actually released a couple of days before the firing of Spacey. So, it turns out that Kevin's firing was a result of that review process. As far as the Spacey harassment allegations go, they say even more men have come forward with accusations against him. The new reports reveal that several past and present "House of Cards" crew members told CNN that Kevin created a "toxic" work environment through alleged acts of sexual harassment and assault.
Spacey's publicist made a statement about this issue which said Spacey is now seeking evaluation and treatment.
Kevin also released a statement to address the 30-year-old claim made against him by Rapp. He said he honestly doesn't remember it. However, if it did happen, it was because he was drunk and owes Rapp a sincere apology for his behavior at the time.
Season 6 premiere date is questionable
The sixth season of "House Of Cards" was expected to premiere sometime in 2018. However, due to this suspension of production, it's questionable if it will debut next year. Stay tuned.