"Big Brother 19" houseguests have held the first Power Of Veto competition of the year. As always, the Head of Household and both nominees were set to play for the Veto. The other three houseguests were selected by random draw. Raven, Jason, and Matthew were selected to join the other three to compete. Kevin got the honor of being the host.
While waiting for the POV to begin, the "Big Brother" house was full of chatter. From the live feeds, viewers learned that Ramses isn't really trusted by most of the houseguests. They are worried that he is playing both sides and trying to float.
Josh has made himself a target and there was a lot of talk of getting him out of the game quickly.
Paul wins the Pendant of Protection, thanks America
Cody had mentioned a grand plan to backdoor Paul if he got the opportunity. Of course, this caused a collective gasp from Paul's fans and the internet started buzzing about it. Well, your boy is safe. He has received the Pendant of Protection from "Big Brother" fans. Not only is he safe from this eviction, but for the next two. He quickly decided to keep his new jewel a secret from the rest of the house, unless he has to produce it to save himself. It seems as though Ramses is the one that got saddled with the consequence, but fans will have to wait until Sunday's show to learn what it is.
Once the POV comp finally started, the live feeds showed cats. When feeds returned, Alex was the winner of the Power of Veto. She can use it save herself from the block. Of course, some of the "Big Brother" houseguests were really unhappy with her coming off the block.
So who will be the replacement nominee this time?
There is already talk in the HOH room about who should become the next target.
Fans will have to give the "Big Brother" house a chance to settle down before we can confirm who Cody wants the replacement nominee to be. Josh seems like the obvious choice but rarely does the obvious happen in this game. Cody has the unique opportunity to get to name two replacement nominees in one reign of Head of Household.
Quick update on Megan - someone posted a text from her saying she sought medical treatment and got checked out after leaving the "Big Brother" house. She plans on releasing a statement at some point today. That will clear up all the rumors swirling around that she was asked to leave by production and did not self-evict.
Are you glad Alex will be able to save herself with the POV? Do you think Cody will try to backdoor Paul, forcing him to use the Pendant of Protection?
Tell us what you think in the comments below.