Over the last 24 hours, the one story that has dominated the headlines has been in regards to the hiring of former FBI Director Robert Mueller to oversee the current investigation into Russia as a special counsel. After Donald Trump lashed out over the decision, Stephen Colbert was quick to offer his take.

Colbert on Trump

While Donald Trump was able to weather the storm of non-stop criticism during the 2016 presidential election to defeat Hillary Clinton, the one issue that he's been unable to avoid has been the growing scandal surrounding Russia.

In the year and a half that he ran for office, the former host of "The Apprentice" was forced to push back from the allegations that he was in cahoots with the Kremlin. Whether it was his refusal to release his tax returns, his praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin, or several of his top advisers being caught communicating with high-ranking officials from Russia, Trump constantly had his back against the wall. In the four months since he was sworn into office, the billionaire real estate mogul has faced even more pressure, as multiple reports from credible outlets have provided further evidence that link Trump's administration to Russia.

After it was announced that Robert Mueller, the former head of the FBI, was hired as special counsel to the ongoing Russian investigation, Trump lost his cool. This issue was highlighted during the May 18 edition of "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" on CBS.

As part of his opening monologue for "The Late Show" on Thursday night, host Stephen Colbert highlighted Donald Trump's recent outburst in response to Robert Mueller being named special counsel to the investigation into Russian election interference. "The word 'dumpster fire' gets thrown around so causally these days, but when a special counsel gets appointed to investigate your administration just four months in, that's a new high and low," Colbert said.

Trump hypocrisy

"This is just the beginning of this," Stephen Colbert predicted, before adding, "this is a snowball at the top of the hill, if the snow were brown and came out of the back of a bull." Colbert then mocked the White House for scrambling to come up with a defense, while describing Robert Mueller as "Donald Trump's worst nightmare." "A competent adult, who owes him nothing, who hasn't seen 'The Apprentice,'" Colbert said of Mueller. In conclusion, the "Late Show" host went on to play a clip from last year's presidential debates where Trump told Hillary Clinton that he would hire a special prosecutor to "look into your situation," which resulted in laughter from the audience over the apparent hypocrisy.